Issues with sharing an ArctoolBox!!!!

01-30-2015 05:58 AM
New Contributor III

Hi all

I create an ArcToolBox with python on ArcMap 10.1 (Arctoolboc/Add Toolbox after add Script ....). This toolBox work very fine on my PC.

I shere this tollbox with another collegue and i shw him whow to add it and work with it. The problem that as soon as he run it, he got the following message:

I don't understand the cmd.exe/c error. I looked on the web and on arcgis hepl, I still not understant it

Any hepl please????



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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Is it trying to run a file off a local drive?  In this case you would need to place the file in the right local folder on the colleague's computer or update the file location in the tool.  Otherwise, are you certain you set up the script properly and the second computer?  The script file needs to be in the proper location and the tool needs to be referencing the proper script file location.  Hope this helps.

Occasional Contributor III

Probably best to share your tool and scripts related to it so to better diagnose the problem.

Occasional Contributor III

The error message (000714) indicates a problem with the script. By the elapsed time of 0.00 seconds it looks like your script did not get to any processing steps - this indicates the problem is most likely in the parameter values.

Are there any drive mapping differences between the two machines (including file permissions)?

It may be helpful to post the core parts of the script.

New Contributor III

Thanks guys

Indeed, it was a parameter value issue

Now it work fine

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