I have a list as follows;
Object ID Field 1
1 Example,Example
2 ,Example,Example,Example
3 ,Example
I want to remove just the first comma.
I would appreciate your assistance.
To be completely inclusive
txt = "!A simple question becomes a Monty Python Circus"
['Good','Grief!!!'][txt[0] in '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~']
Hi All,
I have a somewhat similar question that I have problem solving
Object ID Field
1 Apple.
2 Orange.
3 Egg
I would like to remove the trailing "." if any. However my code below simply check the string and remove all last characters.
Trim(Left([Field], LEN([Field])-1))
Appreciate any help.
Easiest way is probably using a Python expression, something like !field!.rstrip(".")
IF right([Field],1) = "." then
[Field] = Trim(Left([Field],LEN([Field])-1))