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Is it possible to convert a raster hosted on arcgis rest to a polygon feature dataset?

04-12-2019 09:01 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a raster layer hosted on some arcgis rest service, let's say it's

Is there a way to convert this to a polygon feature layer using arcpy?

I have tried the following:

import arcpy

inRaster = r""
inField = 'Value'
outType = 'POLYGON'
simplify = 'SIMPLIFY'
outPolygons = r"C:\test\output.shp"
arcpy.ConvertRasterToFeature_ra(inRaster, inField, outType, simplify, outPolygons)


import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *

url = r""
inRaster = Raster(url)
outPolygons = r"C:\test\output.shp"
field = "VALUE"
arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(inRaster, outPolygons, "NO_SIMPLIFY", field)

I always get errors:

RuntimeError: ERROR 000732: Input Raster: Dataset does not exist or is not supported

I know it does exist, because it shows up fine when I try to view the map service in ArcMap

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

is the raster floating point or integer?

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Occasional Contributor

The raster is floating point

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Esri Regular Contributor

have a look at the first usage tip in RasterToPolygon's help

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Occasional Contributor

Is there no way to do conversions in arcpy for floating point raster layers?

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