Hi all,I'm working with NetCDF data that it organized by month, I only need a certain portion, within the range I specified I am converting their date format to the ArcMap recognized date and time format with this: element = num2date(item, units='days since 1850-1-1', calendar='365_day')
I am then trying to imput this element which changes with every loop, into the following script: arcpy.MakeNetCDFFeatureLayer_md(apcp_2100_nc, "prveg", "lon", "lat", apcp_Layer, "lon;lat", "#", "#", ("time", str(element)), "BY_VALUE")
This is running but the output is only the first element of the NetCDF layer which is the default setting in ArcGIS. I am thinking that I am not inputing the dimension_values in correctly which is the ("time", str(element)).Any ideas? Let me know if you need to see any more of my code to understand better.Thanks!