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If Else for Feature Compare or detect changes between two FC

02-24-2011 08:24 AM
New Contributor II
My overall goal is simple. If there is any differency between two feature classes includiing tabular and geomtry, then copy FC to other place. I found feature compare tool and it does what I need but it just creates the final result in text file. Is there any way I can write if there is any word called 'true' in the final result txt, then copy it. Or is there any other way to detect changes?


Result in text file;
Has_error, Identifier, Message, Base_value, Test_value, ObjectID
"true", "FeatureClass", "ObjectID 8 is different for Field TLID", "123455", "NEW RECORD", 8
"false", "Table", "Table row counts are the same", " ", " ", -1

# Description: Compare two feature classes and return comparison result.
# Requirements: None
# Author: ESRI
# Date: 06/21/05

# Create the Geoprocessing Object
import arcgisscripting, sys, os
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

    # Set local variables
    base_features = "C:/Workspace/baseroads.shp"
    test_features = "C:/Workspace/newroads.shp"
    sort_field = "ROAD_ID"
    compare_type = "ALL"
    ignore_option = "IGNORE_M;IGNORE_Z"
    xy_tolerance = "0.001 METERS"
    m_tolerance = 0
    z_tolerance = 0
    attribute_tolerance = "Shape_Length 0.001"
    omit_field = "#"
    continue_compare = "CONTINUE_COMPARE"
    compare_file = "C:/Workspace/roadcompare.txt"

    # Process: FeatureCompare
    compare_result = gp.FeatureCompare_management(base_features, test_features, sort_field, compare_type, ignore_option, xy_tolerance, m_tolerance, z_tolerance, attribute_tolerance, omit_field, continue_compare, compare_file)
    print compare_result
    print gp.GetMessages()

    # Print error message if an error occurs
    print gp.GetMessages()
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