I'm having issues with writing some values from 2 tables deep (nested). I'm trying to get the X,Y values of a line that is nested twice from the parent. If that makes sense.
So I have a point. That point looks in another dataset then once it finds that it looks into another dataset for the values. I'm trying to get those values from the 3 table be written in the first table.
Here is my code. I almost got it, but I get an undefined variable error on line 58.
global lat
global long
#Search each record in Queue table
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor (tbl, inputtable_fields) as Scur2:
for row1 in Scur2:
Sub1 = row1[0]
Sub2 = row1[1]
FIPS_var = row1[2]
state_var = row1[3]
queid = row1[4]
arcpy.AddMessage(queid + ",")
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tline_lyr, tline_lyr_fields) as Scur:
#arcpy.AddMessage(Sub1 + "," + Sub2+ ",")
for row in Scur:
if (row[0] == Sub1 and row[1] == Sub2) or (row[0] == Sub2 and row[1] == Sub1):
Rec_ID_var = str(row[3])
#arcpy.AddMessage ("the power line is "+ Rec_ID_var)
#Select Power line
selectline_var = arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(tline_lyr, 'NEW_SELECTION', "Rec_ID = " + Rec_ID_var)
#Create in memory feature to get centroid of slected line.
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(selectline_var, r'in_memory\SelectedLine')
#Select County by Attribute
#arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(county_lyr, 'INTERSECT', r'in_memory\SelectedLine', '#', 'NEW_SELECTION', 'NOT_INVERT')
#Select County to use as a clip
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(county_lyr, 'NEW_SELECTION', "FIPS = '"+FIPS_var+"'" )
#Clip line with the County
arcpy.Clip_analysis(r'in_memory\SelectedLine', county_lyr, r'in_memory\SelectedLineClipped', '#')
#Create the mid point
arcpy.FeatureToPoint_management(r'in_memory\SelectedLineClipped', r'in_memory\LineMidPT', 'INSIDE')
#Calculates Lat + Long
arcpy.AddGeometryAttributes_management(r'in_memory\LineMidPT', 'POINT_X_Y_Z_M', '#', '#', WGS_1984_CS)
#Print out lat long
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(r'in_memory\LineMidPT', ["POINT_X","POINT_Y"]) as Scur:
for row in Scur:
long = row[0]
lat = row[1]
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute(tline_lyr, 'CLEAR_SELECTION')
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute(county_lyr, 'CLEAR_SELECTION')
row1[5] = long
row1[6] = lat
I've also tried this with a try statement on line 58. But then it doesn't write anything.
Try changing lines 58 and 59 to "row1" instead of "row". Even if that resolves your error on line 58, you will get one on line 60 because there is not cursor named "cursor".
There are other issues I see with your code, but I have to jump on a call shortly. I will try to follow-up later.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah my bad that was suppose to be row1 I had that before. But yeah still same error says it's undefined.
Thanks again. No rush.