I am writing a script and a portion of said script requires that I build a table that starts at 0 and increments by 1 until reaching the value of "Shape_Length" from a feature class. I have line work that I wish to read the "Shape_Length" from and I am having troubles getting the syntax correct.
Route = arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(Input_Linework, Linework_Field, Output_Name)
# Store value in SHAPE_LENGTH from Route
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(Route, ['Shape_Length']) as cursor:
for row in Cursor:
Max_Value = row.getValue('Shape_Length')
del row
del cursor
# Create table with two fields, RouteID and Chainage
Route_Table = arcpy.CreateTable_management(str(Output_WS), Output_Name))
# Append additional rows to table in increments of 1 and end at the exact value of
# the Max_Value
fields = ['RouteID', 'Chainage']
Pop_Table = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(Route_Table, fields)
for x in range(0, Max_Value):
Pop_Table.insertRow(str(Linework_Field), x)
del x
I get an error on line 6:
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'getValue'
I have tried reading through the page:
Accessing data using cursors—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
I messed around with the code a bit but this is where I am at now and can't determine how to move forward.
Sorry Joe for the late response. To clarify, I was stuck on one portion of the presented code snippet then got stuck on the next. I have both issues mentioned earlier. I am not sure if I should start a new thread or not for a new error I have though. I figured out how to populate the table with the values i needed. The next step was to "Make Route Events" out of them. The results are interesting: The table population works like I said, containing all values required. However when I attempt to make them into route events, the result shows only 1001 records if between 0 - 2002, and will show 2002 of the records if between 2002 and 4008 records. Simply, I have a table that includes the RouteID field and measure/chainage values from 0 - 2768, when the script runs, it will only show up to the 2002nd measure/chainages. When I run the "Make Route Events" tool outside of the script, everything runs fine, and shows all 2768 records. I have attempted a "Table to table" conversion prior to running the "Make Route Events" however that did not solve my problem. If this requires a new thread please correct me.
***I have corrected both issues mentioned earlier***
You need to nest your cursors, rather than having two separate cursors. Otherwise you just get the Max_Value from the last row for the route table.
def frange(start, stop, step):
"""Range function that works with floats"""
r = start
while r < stop:
yield r
if step > 0:
r += step
r -= step
def main_snippet():
""" main processing snip"""
in_routes = arcpy.lr.CreateRoutes(Input_Linework, Linework_Field, Output_Name)
# Create table with two fields, RouteID and Chainage
route_table = arcpy.management.CreateTable(str(Output_WS), Output_Name)
# add the fields. Missing in your script
arcpy.management.AddField(route_table, 'RouteID', 'TEXT', field_length=15)
arcpy.management.AddField(route_table, 'Chainage', 'DOUBLE')
# Populate event table using cursors
search_fields = [Linework_Field, "SHAPE@"]
update_fields = ['RouteID', 'Chainage']
# increments of 1
measure_interval = 1
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(route_table, update_fields) as icursor:
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(in_routes, search_fields) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
# read the geometry
line = row[1]
# use the measures
first_measure = float(line.firstPoint.M)
last_measure = float(line.lastPoint.M)
# step thru the meaures, by measure_interval
for measure in frange(first_measure, last_measure, measure_interval):
# insert value into route_table
icursor.insertRow((row[0], measure))