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How to read out coordinates of a txt file and create a shapefile

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07-03-2013 09:52 PM
Emerging Contributor
Hi I have already, the coordinates:

import arcpy import re  from itertools import product pnt = arcpy.Point() KEY_VALUE_RE = re.compile(r'([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)=(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)')  def main():     points_to_search_r = [         'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'r')     ]     points_to_search_h = [         'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'h')     ]           with open('F:\\Rasterdaten\\SRV\\2005\\TK100\\c4706_3.txt') as lines:         for line in lines:             variables = dict(                 (k, float(v)) for k, v in KEY_VALUE_RE.findall(line)             )             for point_r in points_to_search_r:                 value_r = variables.get(point_r)                 if value_r is not None:                     #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_r, value_r)                     pnt.Y = value_r                     #print pnt.Y                                 for point_h in points_to_search_h:                 value_h = variables.get(point_h)                 if value_h is not None:                     #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_h, value_h)                     pnt.X = value_h                     #print pnt.X                     if __name__ == '__main__':     main()

And I have a code for read out coordinates of a dbf file and create a shapefile:

import arcpy  arcpy.env.overwriteOutput=1 arcpy.env.workspace = "E:\\mxd\\Shapefiles\\" arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.workspace, "test_polygon.shp","POLYGON") cur=arcpy.InsertCursor("test_polygon.shp") lineArray = arcpy.Array() pnt = arcpy.Point() cur2 = arcpy.SearchCursor("F:\Rasterdaten\SRV\\gps_points.dbf")  for row in cur2:      pnt.X = row.getValue("x")     pnt.Y = row.getValue("y")      lineArray.add(pnt)  feat = cur.newRow() feat.shape = lineArray cur.insertRow(feat) print "Berechnung beendet"  del cur del cur2 del row

How can I combine this two?
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Depends what kind of geometry you want to create. In your second script it's polyline. If you want to keep it that way code would be:

import arcpy import re  from itertools import product pnt = arcpy.Point() KEY_VALUE_RE = re.compile(r'([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)=(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)') lineArray = arcpy.Array()  def main():  i_cur=arcpy.InsertCursor("test_polygon.shp") # create cursor to insert features  points_to_search_r = [   'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'r')  ]  points_to_search_h = [   'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'h')  ]     with open('F:\\Rasterdaten\\SRV\\2005\\TK100\\c4706_3.txt') as lines:   for line in lines:    pnt.X = 0.0 # reset values for each line    pnt.Y = 0.0    variables = dict(     (k, float(v)) for k, v in KEY_VALUE_RE.findall(line)    )    for point_r in points_to_search_r:     value_r = variables.get(point_r)     if value_r is not None:      #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_r, value_r)      pnt.Y = value_r      #print pnt.Y            for point_h in points_to_search_h:     value_h = variables.get(point_h)     if value_h is not None:      #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_h, value_h)      pnt.X = value_h      #print pnt.X    if pnt.X != 0.0 and pnt.Y != 0.0:     lineArray.add(pnt) # add point to polyline  feat = i_cur.newRow()  feat.SHAPE = lineArray  i_cur.insertRow(feat)  del i_cur if __name__ == '__main__':  main()

If you want to create points, code will be:

import arcpy import re  from itertools import product pnt = arcpy.Point() KEY_VALUE_RE = re.compile(r'([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)=(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)') #lineArray = arcpy.Array()  def main():  i_cur=arcpy.InsertCursor("test_polygon.shp") # create cursor to insert features  points_to_search_r = [   'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'r')  ]  points_to_search_h = [   'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'h')  ]     with open('F:\\Rasterdaten\\SRV\\2005\\TK100\\c4706_3.txt') as lines:   for line in lines:    pnt.X = 0.0 # reset values for each line    pnt.Y = 0.0    variables = dict(     (k, float(v)) for k, v in KEY_VALUE_RE.findall(line)    )    for point_r in points_to_search_r:     value_r = variables.get(point_r)     if value_r is not None:      #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_r, value_r)      pnt.Y = value_r      #print pnt.Y            for point_h in points_to_search_h:     value_h = variables.get(point_h)     if value_h is not None:      #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_h, value_h)      pnt.X = value_h      #print pnt.X    if pnt.X != 0.0 and pnt.Y != 0.0:     feat = i_cur.newRow()     feat.SHAPE = pnt     i_cur.insertRow(feat)  del i_cur if __name__ == '__main__':  main()

Hope it will help.


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Depends what kind of geometry you want to create. In your second script it's polyline. If you want to keep it that way code would be:

import arcpy import re  from itertools import product pnt = arcpy.Point() KEY_VALUE_RE = re.compile(r'([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)=(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)') lineArray = arcpy.Array()  def main():  i_cur=arcpy.InsertCursor("test_polygon.shp") # create cursor to insert features  points_to_search_r = [   'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'r')  ]  points_to_search_h = [   'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'h')  ]     with open('F:\\Rasterdaten\\SRV\\2005\\TK100\\c4706_3.txt') as lines:   for line in lines:    pnt.X = 0.0 # reset values for each line    pnt.Y = 0.0    variables = dict(     (k, float(v)) for k, v in KEY_VALUE_RE.findall(line)    )    for point_r in points_to_search_r:     value_r = variables.get(point_r)     if value_r is not None:      #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_r, value_r)      pnt.Y = value_r      #print pnt.Y            for point_h in points_to_search_h:     value_h = variables.get(point_h)     if value_h is not None:      #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_h, value_h)      pnt.X = value_h      #print pnt.X    if pnt.X != 0.0 and pnt.Y != 0.0:     lineArray.add(pnt) # add point to polyline  feat = i_cur.newRow()  feat.SHAPE = lineArray  i_cur.insertRow(feat)  del i_cur if __name__ == '__main__':  main()

If you want to create points, code will be:

import arcpy import re  from itertools import product pnt = arcpy.Point() KEY_VALUE_RE = re.compile(r'([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)=(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)') #lineArray = arcpy.Array()  def main():  i_cur=arcpy.InsertCursor("test_polygon.shp") # create cursor to insert features  points_to_search_r = [   'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'r')  ]  points_to_search_h = [   'p{0}_{1}w'.format(a, b) for a, b in product([1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9], 'h')  ]     with open('F:\\Rasterdaten\\SRV\\2005\\TK100\\c4706_3.txt') as lines:   for line in lines:    pnt.X = 0.0 # reset values for each line    pnt.Y = 0.0    variables = dict(     (k, float(v)) for k, v in KEY_VALUE_RE.findall(line)    )    for point_r in points_to_search_r:     value_r = variables.get(point_r)     if value_r is not None:      #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_r, value_r)      pnt.Y = value_r      #print pnt.Y            for point_h in points_to_search_h:     value_h = variables.get(point_h)     if value_h is not None:      #print '{0} {1}'.format(point_h, value_h)      pnt.X = value_h      #print pnt.X    if pnt.X != 0.0 and pnt.Y != 0.0:     feat = i_cur.newRow()     feat.SHAPE = pnt     i_cur.insertRow(feat)  del i_cur if __name__ == '__main__':  main()

Hope it will help.

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Emerging Contributor
Thanks 🙂

It is for polygons!
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