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Help "Clone surveys from one organization to another" issues

3 weeks ago
Occasional Contributor III

i'm trying to clone a Survey from one org to another, ive tried the guides here:

Clone surveys from one organization to another | ArcGIS Survey123

Survey123-tools/Clone_Surveys at main · Esri/Survey123-tools · GitHub

but it never actually copies the survey

i have also tried the "ArcGIS Assistant "

the survey isnt that complicated its a point feature layer and 10 related tables, each has no more than 10,000 records (most have 1000 to 5000) including attachments



has anyone managed to clone their survey?



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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor III

code being ran:

# Create new group in the target environment
#shared_group = target.groups.create(title=group.title, tags=group.tags)

# Clone source items to the target environment
for form_item in sourceForms:

    # Obtain the feature service associated with the survey
    related_items = form_item.related_items('Survey2Service','forward')
    # Obtain the additional items that have a relationship with the survey
    additional_items = form_item.related_items('Survey2Data','forward')
    all_items = [form_item] + related_items + additional_items
    print("Source items: ", *all_items, sep="\n")
    # Create new folder according to survey name 
    title = form_item.title.replace(" ", "_")
    folderName = "Survey-" + title
    # Clone all items to the new folder in target environment
    cloned_items = target.content.clone_items(items=all_items, folder=folderName, copy_data=False)
    # Check the feature count in cloned feature layer. Feature count should 0 because existing data is not copied
        print("Result feature count: ", cloned_items[0].layers[0].query(where='1=1', return_count_only=True))
        print("error with counts")
    for item in cloned_items:
        if item.type == 'Form':
            # Update the form item to ensure all resources are rebuilt
            downloaded_item ='.zip')
            item.update({}, downloaded_item)
            # Share the form item to the group
            item.update(item_properties={'tags':'Valve Survey blank'})
            # Share source feature service to group
            source_fs = item.related_items('Survey2Service','forward')[0]
            source_fs.update(item_properties={'tags':'Valve Survey blank'})



KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/common/ in update_form(self, target, new_item, clone_mapping)
   5406                 if related_item in service_related:
-> 5407                     new_id = clone_mapping["Services"][related_item["url"]]["id"]
   5408                     feature_service = target.content.get(new_id)

KeyError: ''

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/common/ in clone(self)
   5162                 original_item =
-> 5163                 self.update_form(, new_item, self._clone_mapping)
   5164             else:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/common/ in update_form(self, target, new_item, clone_mapping)
   5446         except Exception as ex:
-> 5447             raise Exception(
   5448                 "Failed to update {0} {1}: {2}".format(

Exception: Failed to update Form Valve Survey App V2 Blank: ''

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

_ItemCreateException                      Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_36/ in <cell line: 0>()
     19     # Clone all items to the new folder in target environment
---> 20     cloned_items = target.content.clone_items(items=all_items, folder=folderName, copy_data=False)
     22     # Check the feature count in cloned feature layer. Feature count should 0 because existing data is not copied

/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arcgis/gis/ in clone_items(self, items, folder, item_extent, use_org_basemap, copy_data, copy_global_ids, search_existing_items, item_mapping, group_mapping, owner, preserve_item_id, **kwargs)
   8758             wab_code_attach=kwargs.pop("copy_code_attachment", True),
   8759         )
-> 8760         return deep_cloner.clone()
   8762     def bulk_update(

/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/common/ in clone(self)
   1326             > 0
   1327         ):
-> 1328             return self._clone_synchronous()
   1329         # elif len([node for node in self._graph.values() if isinstance(node, _StoryMapDefinition)]) > 0:
   1330         #    return self._clone_synchronous()

/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/common/ in _clone_synchronous(self)
   1219                     if item:
   1220                         item.delete()
-> 1221                 raise ex
   1223         return [i for i in self._get_created_items() if isinstance(i, arcgis.gis.Item)]

/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/common/ in _clone_synchronous(self)
   1201             for node in leaf_nodes:
   1202                 try:
-> 1203                     node.clone()
   1204                 except _ItemCreateException as ex:
   1205                     exceptions.append(ex)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arcgis/_impl/common/ in clone(self)
   5176         except Exception as ex:
-> 5177             raise _ItemCreateException(
   5178                 "Failed to create {0} {1}: {2}".format(
   5179                     original_item["type"], original_item["title"], str(ex)

_ItemCreateException: ("Failed to create Form Valve Survey App V2 Blank: Failed to update Form Valve Survey App V2 Blank: ''", <Item title:"Valve Survey App V2 Blank" type:Form owner:Stuart.Moore@cadentgas.com_CadentFSM>)


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