Someone wrote the code below which works wonderfully to select a given percentage of polygons. I have about 1 hour of experience with python, but would like to alter the code so that it selects a number of polygons (opposed to a percentage). In particular, i would like it to allow me to select just one polygon at random. Thanks in advance for your help.
# Given an input layer, return an output *.lyr layer file containing a random
# selection of features.
# Original author: Leah Saunders, ESRI Inc, on Arcscripts.com. July 2007
# Major modification by Stephen Lead, 21st Feb 2008
import os, sys, random, arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
gp.overwriteoutput = 1
# Specify input featureclass, output *.lyr file and the percentage of
# random points to return. Set these parameters in ArcToolbox as shown.
inputFC = sys.argv[1] # Feature Class or Feature Layer
outputLyr = sys.argv[2] # Layer File
inpct = sys.argv[3] # Long
# Ensure that the input percentage is between 1 and 100%
inpct = min(int(inpct),100)
inpct = max(int(inpct),1)
# Work out how many features to select
inputDirname = os.path.dirname(inputFC)
inputBasename = os.path.basename(inputFC)
gp.workspace = inputDirname
desc = gp.describe(inputFC)
totpnts = gp.getcount(inputFC)
numValues = int(round(totpnts * float(inpct) / 100.0))
gp.addmessage("Selecting " + str(numValues) + " random features")
# Generate a list of all features, and select randomly from this
inList = []
randomList = []
fldname = desc.OIDFieldName
rows = gp.SearchCursor(inputFC)
row = rows.next()
gp.addmessage ("Loading all IDs into a list")
while row:
id = row.GetValue(fldname)
row = rows.next()
selpnts = 0
gp.addmessage("Creating the list of randomly selected features")
while len(randomList) < numValues:
selpnts += 1
selItem = random.choice(inList)
# Select features whose OID value occurs in the random list, generate
# a *.lyr file from this selection. (Leading and trailing [ and ] marks
# need to be removed from the list object)
theLen = len(str(randomList))
sqlexp = '"' + fldname + '"' + " in " + "(" + str(randomList)[1:theLen - 1] + ")"
selectionLyr = inputBasename + " selection"
gp.MakeFeatureLayer_management(inputFC, selectionLyr, sqlexp)
gp.SaveToLayerFile_management(selectionLyr, outputLyr)
gp.addmessage("\nOutput layer " + outputLyr + " contains features randomly selected from " + inputBasename +
gp.adderror("Error running script. Try specifying the full path to the input layer")