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gp.Describe() on sde table

02-25-2011 11:31 AM
New Contributor III
at 9.3.1 the following code works fine:

fcList = gp.ListFeatureClasses()
for fc in fcList:
    descFC = gp.Describe(fc)
    print "FC Name: " + fc + ", Path: " + descFC.CatalogPath

tblList = gp.ListTables()
for table in tblList:
    print table

but trying to use Describe on the tables fails:

tblList = gp.ListTables()
for table in tblList:
    print table
    descTBL = gp.Describe(table)
    print descTBL.CatalogPath

what am I missing?
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1 Reply
Esri Contributor
What line fails (listTables, Describe, or CatalogPath)?
What error does it throw?
What does your arcpy.env.workspace look like?
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