Hi there,
we are running several GP-services on ArcGIS Server, authentication is web-tier based on our companys Active Directory. I try to get the script to be aware of who started the service request (similar to editor tracking on feature classes). I found these two posts, where the conclusion is, that it's not easily possible:
Anything new on this topic or anyone else having the same problem? Can't be that hard for ESRI to implement, without me having to use SOIs, which I have no clue of.
Thanks and Best regards
- Florian
Did you look at the job info json option as mentioned here?
Yes, I saw that. But it looks like this file is only available when the service is run asynchronous. I also would need the jobID and I currently have no idea of how to get it within python.
It is already some time since this post, however I found the following is working (tested on AGE 10.8.1 base deployment with SAML auth):
import arcpy, json
from urllib import request, parse
tokenUrl = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
def getUserInfo(url):
token = arcpy.GetSigninToken()
data = {"token": token["token"], "f": "json"}
req = request.Request(
headers={"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
response = json.loads(request.urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8"))
return response["user"]
except Exception as e:
user = getUserInfo(tokenUrl)
arcpy.SetParameterAsText(1, user)
The tokenUrl parametr is pointing to https://<gis_server_fqdn>/<web_adaptor/rest/self.
This parametr can be set as a constant during the publication of this python script as a GP web tool.
Point the tokenUrl parametr to https://<portal_fqdn>/<web_adaptor>/sharing/rest/portals/self to get more detailed user information.
Edit: if the GP service is running on ArcGIS Enterprise (base deployment), fetching the user info is a one liner
Hi @MatejVrtich, getUserInfo function is not working for standalone ArcGIS Server 10.8.1.
arcpy.GetSigninToken() always returning None.
Did I miss anything? For standalone ArcGIS Server scenario how to get the token that was used to execute in arcpy based GP service (Synchronous)?