Hello,I have a python script which publish as a geoprocessing tool on ArcGIS Server 10.1.Output of this script is object (Output class instance) of this structure:
class StatisticalParams:
def __init__(self, type, min, max, std, mean, count):
self.type = type
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.std = std
self.mean = mean
self.count = count
class Feature:
def __init__(self, fid, ftype, statisticalParams):
self.fid = fid
self.ftype = ftype
self.statisticalParams = statisticalParams
class Output:
def __init__(self, statisticalParam, features):
self.statisticalParam = statisticalParam
self.features = features
I do not know how I should set output parameter on ArcGIS Server (configuration of parameters of the script). In the script parameter is sets as arcpy.SetParameter (1 outputParam)
.Thanks for help.Rendy