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Forcing da.SearchCursor to retrieve new data?

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10-31-2022 12:00 PM
Occasional Contributor

I put together a tool that runs in the system tray and compares an attribute table column for a feature class to information pulled from a website to let me know when there's new work to be done.  It works for the most part but I'm having issues with it not updating after I add new information to the table.  I'm using arcpy.da.SearchCursor() in a function to retrieve the data from the table, but each time I call the function, I get the data that was retrieved on the first call, I need it to retrieve the latest data.  I've tried calling the .reset() method on the object it returns, deleting the object, and calling arcpy.ResetEnvironments to no avail.  The only success I have with the tool or in a python terminal is closing the tool/terminal and reopening it.  Is there a way to force SearchCursor to pull new data?   Maybe there's another method that I should be using?  Thanks.


def get_mapped_permits():
    building_permits_2022 = ""
    mapped = [each for permit in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(building_permits_2022, "PERMIT_NUM") for each in permit]
    return mapped


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16 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I'm pretty sure I tried moving it out of the comprehension and it didn't change anything, but I'll have to try it as you suggested with deleting it after assembling the list and see what happens.  I haven't messed with classes at all yet, I've watched several tutorials but have yet to be able to get my brain to understand where they would be useful and how to implement them.  Any chance you could point out a couple areas where you feel it would be beneficial?  I'll figure out how to get it implemented, but I think I need some help understanding when they would be useful.  No biggie if not, thanks for your response.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I did some refractoring while looking at your code.  Changed some lines to show alternatives, but this is how I would set it up using a class.


import arcpy
import os
import threading
import time
import requests
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
from infi.systray import SysTrayIcon
from win11toast import toast

class ApplicationWatcher():

    def __int__(self):
        # set class properties
        self.missing = []
        self.search_results = defaultdict(dict)

    def check_now(self, method):
        method to trigger respective data manipulations

        # clear the previous iteration values

        # get a token
        cityworks_token = self.get_token(os.environ.get("CITYWORKS_UN"), os.environ.get("CITYWORKS_PW"))

        # process the parcels depending on the value of method
        if method == "update":

        self.search_results = self.get_issued_permits(cityworks_token)

        # Get list of case numbers from the result
        issued_permits = [result['CASE_NUMBER'] for result in self.search_results]

        # get list of mapped permits
        mapped_permits = self.get_mapped_permits()
        # Debugging
        # print("Issued:")
        # for issued in issued_permits:
        #     print(issued)
        # print("Mapped:")
        # for mapped in mapped_permits:
        #     print(mapped)
        # Compare the issued permits and mapped permits
        if method == "clicked" or method == "":
            # compare the issued permits to the mapped permits
            self.missing =, mapped_permits)
        elif method == "crosscheck":
            # compare the mapped permits to the issued permits
            self.missing =, issued_permits)
        elif method == "duplicates":
            # find duplicates in the mapped permits
            self.missing = self.duplicates(mapped_permits)
        # Get permits needing to be mapped
        if method == "clicked" and self.missing or method == "" and self.missing:
            if len(self.missing) == 1:
                message = "The following permit needs to be mapped:"
                message = f"The following {len(self.missing)} permits need to be mapped:"
            for permit in self.missing:
                message += f"\n{permit}"
        elif method == "crosscheck" and self.missing:
            if len(self.missing) == 1:
                message = "The following permit was found on the map but not in Cityworks:"
                message = f"The following {len(self.missing)} permits were found on the map but not in Cityworks:"
            for permit in self.missing:
                message += f"\n{permit}"

        elif method == "duplicates" and self.missing:
            if len(self.missing) == 1:
                message = "The following permit was found as a duplicate:"
                message = f"The following {len(self.missing)} permits were found as duplicates on the map:"
            for permit in self.missing:
                message += f"\n{permit}"
        # Display 
        if method != "" and not self.missing:

    def compare(self, base, tester):
        return [permit for permit in base if permit not in tester]
    # def compare(self, issued, mapped):
    #     permits = [permit for permit in issued if permit not in mapped]
    #     return permits
    # def crosscheck(self, issued, mapped):
    #     permits = [permit for permit in mapped if permit not in issued]
    #     return permits

    def duplicates(self, mapped):
        # permits = []
        # comparitor = []
        # for permit in mapped:
        #     if permit not in comparitor:
        #         comparitor.append(permit)
        #     else:
        #         permits.append(permit)

        # shorten this to a list comprehension by counting the values in the list and returning
        # those that are equal or grater than 2
        return [x for x in mapped if mapped.count(x) >= 2]

    def get_token(self, username, password):
        arguments = 'data={"LoginName":"' + username + '","Password":"' + password + '"}'
        response = requests.get(""
                                "Authentication/Authenticate", params=arguments, timeout=5)
        cityworks_token = (response.json()["Value"]['Token'])
        return cityworks_token

    def get_issued_permits(self, token):
        # Search ID for BPISSUED is 994
        bp_url = "" \
                 "data={%22SearchId%22:994}&token=" + token
        results = requests.get(bp_url, timeout=10)
        return results.json()["Value"]

    def get_mapped_permits(self):
        building_permits_2022 = r"J:\Austin\Projects\SDE Maintenance\Building.sde\Kalispell.BUILDING.BuildingPermits\Kalispell.BUILDING.BuildingPermits2022"
        # the 'for each in permi' conditional is redundant and you can just use the index.
        # mapped = [each for permit in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(building_permits_2022, "PERMIT_NUM") for each in permit]
        return [permit[0] for permit in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(building_permits_2022, "PERMIT_NUM")]

    def no_toast(self):
        toast("Nothing to do...")

    def open_web_pages(self):
        if self.missing:
            for case_number in self.missing:
                for result in self.search_results:
                    if result['CASE_NUMBER'] == case_number:
                        ca_obj_id = int(result['CA_OBJECT_ID'])
                        ca_case_type_id = int(result['CASE_TYPE_ID'])
                        subprocess.Popen([r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe",
            toast("Nothing to show...")

    # def parse_results(self, results):
    #     permits = [result['CASE_NUMBER'] for result in results]
    #     return permits

    def update_search(self, token):
        url = f"{token}"
        results = requests.get(url)
        result_values = results.json()["Value"]
        filtered_results = [result for result in result_values if "BACHURSKI" in result["EmployeeName"]]
        display = ""
        for each in filtered_results:
            display += str(f"SearchId: {each['SearchId']}\nSearchName: {each['SearchName']}\n\n")
        toast("New Building Permit", display)

    def yeah_toast(self, info):
        toast("New Building Permit", info, on_click=lambda args: self.open_web_pages())

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Create instance
    app = ApplicationWatcher()

    menu_options = (("Check Permits Now", None, lambda args: app.check_now("clicked")),
                    ("Open Permit Web Page(s)", None, app.open_web_pages),
                    ("Crosscheck Permits", None, lambda args: app.check_now("crosscheck")),
                    ("Check for Duplicates", None, lambda args: app.check_now("duplicates")),
                    ("Update Search ID", None, lambda args: app.check_now("update")))

    systray = SysTrayIcon("TrayIcon.ico", "Building Permit Monitor", menu_options)

    def monitoring():
        while True:
            # Check every 30 minutes.

    threading.Thread(target=monitoring, daemon=True).start()



MVP Regular Contributor

+1 for yeah_toast() method.

Occasional Contributor

 Glad someone gets the reference!  XD

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Oh wow, thanks for taking time out of your day to go through that.  I'll be sure to look over it tomorrow when I have some more time.  Really appreciate it!

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Spent some time tonight looking through this, there's so much here!  So many things I didn't think about or know about, such simpler solutions to some of the things I was doing.  The fact that the class (somewhat?) gets rid of the global variables alone is awesome, still learning how to best avoid them, but this is great.  Spurs a pile of additional questions but I'll save those for google. I really can't thank you enough for taking the time to do this, this is going to help move me forward so much, thank you thank you thank you!

P.S. I still need to try your suggestion for the SearchCursor issue, but I haven't had a chance yet - thanks again.

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Well after trying everything suggested and then some including manually deleting the cursor outside of a comprehension, using a context manager, moving it into separate functions, etc. etc.  I finally got it to work the way I wanted it to.  I eventually found out it was something to do with calling it from a while loop.  I'm not 100% sure why, but if I got rid of that it worked as expected.  So, what I got rid of the while loop entirely, and just have the function call itself after sleeping.  From everything I've read it seems like this is an acceptable solution, and it actually works properly.


So instead of this.


def monitoring():
    while True:
        # Check every 30 minutes.




I'm using this.


def monitoring():
    """Checks for updates every 30 minutes."""
    threading.Thread(target=monitoring, daemon=True).start()



Which calls the searchcursor via.


def get_mapped_permits(self):
    """Returns a list of building permits found in the BuildingPermits
    feature class for the current year."""
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(self.feature_class, "PERMIT_NUM") as search:
        return [permit[0] for permit in search]



Thanks for all the help!


One last note on this in case it will help anyone in the future, I added another call to the function containing the SearchCursor() and started having the same problem again.  Was able to fix it by changing the function to target an instance variable rather than return the value, then wrapping the function call in a daemon thread (terminology may be incorrect, noob, sry...) this produced the expected result.

def get_mapped_permits(self):
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(self.feature_class, "PERMIT_NUM") as search:
        self.mapped_permits = [permit[0] for permit in search]

# called from

t = threading.Thread(target=self.get_mapped_permits, daemon=True)