Hi community,
I have been some time trying to figure out a way to automize a python algorithm to spot some ideal spots based on a multi-layered map. The idea is that I can join various layers and have the map tell me which spots or buffered areas accomplish a set of rules. My data right now includes: green zones, noise levels, traffic, etc... I would want to type a python code that layers all these maps and outputs the zones or buffered zones that:
1. Are less than 1km for a green area
2. Have noise levels below X
3. Traffic levels are below X
Can you think of any example docs that use a similar code structure or any funcionalities that might help me in filtering these layers through python? I have found how to plot filtered layers but not getting an output map with desired zones...
Any help is useful thanks so much!
This sounds like you want to do polygon to raster, raster math and then weighted analysis.