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Field Mapping in Spatial Join using Arcpy

10-27-2022 02:47 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hii ,I am Trying spatial join by intersect3d matchOption Using arcpy in python toolbox ..I have two feature class 



In TargetFeatures there is column End_Year and in InputFeatures there is column named Start_Year.

I want to add values of Start_Year column of InputFeatures  to End_Year  column of TargetFeatures when they intersect each other .I have attached the png of both TargetFeature and InputFeature Attribute table ..

Is this can be done using Field mapping in arcpy ?

Thanks You  

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Did you see the info in 

FieldMappings—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

there are code examples

... sort of retired...
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