I have single NetCDF file which is time dimension NetCDF file, the netCDF file contains the monthly weather data for 20 years. I want to convert the NetCDF to raster tiff format and output of the raster as same the month and year name. below is code but it's producing the error in line number 29. Time format of the data is YY-MM-DD 2013-01-01 12:00, 2013-02-01 12:00, so on. How to loop all the time dimension.
updated download link for input files: 2013.nc - Google Drive
I tried to extract the layer manually using ArcGIS tool, it's successfully extracted. I have copied the code from ArcGIS
dimension_values="time '01-01-2013 12:00:00'",
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
outLoc = r"E:\Weather/"
inNetCDF = r"E:\Weather\2002.nc"
variable = "slhf"
x_dimension = "lon"
y_dimension = "lat"
band_dimension = ""
dimension = "time"
valueSelectionMethod = "BY_VALUE"
nc_FP = arcpy.NetCDFFileProperties(inNetCDF)
nc_Dim = nc_FP.getDimensions()
for dimension in nc_Dim:
if dimension == "time":
top = nc_FP.getDimensionSize(dimension)
for i in range(0, top):
dimension_values = nc_FP.getDimensionValue(dimension, i)
nowFile = str(dimension_values)
nowFile = nowFile.translate(None, '/')
# I needed after 2013
if int(nowFile.split()[0].split('-')[-1])==2013:
dv1 = ["time", dimension_values]
dimension_values = [dv1]
arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md(inNetCDF, variable, x_dimension, y_dimension, nowFile, band_dimension, dimension_values, valueSelectionMethod)
print "success"
outname = outLoc + nowFile
arcpy.CopyRaster_management(nowFile, outname,"", "", "", "NONE", "NONE", "")
else: print "DATA OUT OF RANGE"
Error message
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000237: One or more dimensions are invalid
ERROR 000237: One or more dimensions are invalid
Failed to execute (MakeNetCDFRasterLayer).
Solved! Go to Solution.
Could you try the code below (changing the paths to the input NC file and output products)?
def main():
# Import system modules
import arcpy
import os
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
outLoc = r"C:\GeoNet\NetCDF"
inNetCDF = r"C:\GeoNet\NetCDF\2013.nc"
variable = "slhf"
x_dimension = "longitude"
y_dimension = "latitude"
band_dimension = ""
dimension = "time"
valueSelectionMethod = "BY_VALUE"
nc_FP = arcpy.NetCDFFileProperties(inNetCDF)
print "nc_FP:", nc_FP
nc_Dim = nc_FP.getDimensions()
print "nc_Dim:", nc_Dim
for dimension in nc_Dim:
print "dimension:", dimension
if dimension == "time":
top = nc_FP.getDimensionSize(dimension)
print "top:", top
for i in range(0, top):
print "i", i
dimension_values = nc_FP.getDimensionValue(dimension, i)
year = GetYear(dimension_values)
print "year:", year
name = GetNameOutputFile(dimension_values)
print "name:", name
if year == '2013':
dv1 = "time '{}'".format(dimension_values)
# dv1 = ["time", dimension_values]
# dimension_values = [dv1]
out_ras_lay = "sshf_{}".format(name)
arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md(inNetCDF, variable, x_dimension, y_dimension, out_ras_lay, band_dimension, dv1, valueSelectionMethod)
print "success"
out_name = "{}.tif".format(out_ras_lay)
out_ras = os.path.join(outLoc, out_name)
print "out_name:", out_name
print "out_ras:", out_ras
arcpy.CopyRaster_management(out_ras_lay, out_ras,"", "", "", "NONE", "NONE", "")
print "CopyRaster OK..."
def GetNameOutputFile(dimension_value):
dct_ampm = {'P.':'PM', 'A.':'AM', 'PM': 'PM', 'AM': 'AM'}
lst1 = dimension_value.split(' ')
if '/' in dimension_value:
lst2a = lst1[0].split('/')
lst2b = lst1[1].split(':')
lst2a = CorrectList(lst2a)
lst2b = CorrectList(lst2b)
if len(lst1) >= 3:
ampm = lst1[2].upper()
if ampm in dct_ampm:
ampm = dct_ampm[ampm]
ampm = 'XX'
name = 'd{}{}{}_t{}{}{}'.format(lst2a[2], lst2a[1], lst2a[0], lst2b[0], lst2b[1], ampm)
name = 'd{}{}{}_t{}{}'.format(lst2a[2], lst2a[1], lst2a[0], lst2b[0], lst2b[1])
elif '-' in dimension_value:
lst2a = lst1[0].split('-')
lst2b = lst1[1].split(':')
name = 'd{}{}{}_t{}{}'.format(lst2a[2], lst2a[1], lst2a[0], lst2b[0], lst2b[1])
name = 'd18990101_t0000'
return name
def GetYear(dimension_value):
lst1 = dimension_value.split(' ')
if '/' in dimension_value:
year = lst1[0].split('/')[2]
elif '-' in dimension_value:
year = lst1[0].split('-')[2]
year = '1899'
return year
def CorrectList(lst2a):
lst = []
for a in lst2a:
if len(a) == 1:
return lst
if __name__ == '__main__':
/blogs/dan_patterson/2016/08/14/script-formatting It is hard to read and your for loops look they are suffering from a bad copy paste into the code formatter
What are your dimensions? Why not print them out since at least one of them is apparently wrong.
i have updated the code formatting and chosen Python format.
Regarding dimension, I have time dimension NetCDF file, based on each time file i am trying to export it as a raster.
print the dimensions as you get them in and around line 17-18 since one of your dimensions is wrong.
your indentation is wrong... just changing the parser to Python after the fact won't correct the script, you have to recopy and repaste
Dan Patterson, Thank you. I have added the print statement but the print statement now showing any dimension of NetCDF. I have tried to convert the single layer of NetCDF file to raster using ArcGIS, its successful run. I have copied the code from ArcGIS.
arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md(in_netCDF_file="E:/Weather/2002.nc", variable="slhf", x_dimension="longitude", y_dimension="latitude", out_raster_layer="sshf_Layer", band_dimension="", dimension_values="time '01-01-2013 12:00:00'", value_selection_method="BY_VALUE")
but i have huge layer in NetCDF file, how to loop through all layer and convert it to raster
Can you show the updated code with the print statements and what it is actually printing (not the 'success' print) since one of the dimension names is invalid if the error is still the same)
For instance
x_dimension = "lon"
y_dimension = "lat"
should have been longitude and latitude as in you correct run
dv1 = ["time", dimension_values]
dimension_values = [dv1]
why did you make this a list of a list ? since dv1 is already a list
I would really like to know what the variable "nowFile" is filled with (if it gets there). Adding some print statements would really help and sharing the complete error message (including the line numbers) would help to understand where things go wrong.
Is it possible to attach the nc file?
Xander Bakker Thank you. I have added the download link with my question for my input file. Kindly check it.
Can you run this from your IDE's command line as well to get a listing of the dimensions
import netCDF4
f = r"C:\path\your_netcdf.nc" # change to match one of your nc files
dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(f)
# ----- report the list that is returned
I just changed some code and did a test and it does produce several rasters. See code below:
# Import system modules
import arcpy
import os
outLoc = r"C:\GeoNet\NetCDF"
inNetCDF = r"C:\GeoNet\NetCDF\2013.nc"
variable = "slhf"
x_dimension = "longitude" # Changed!
y_dimension = "latitude" # Changed!
band_dimension = ""
dimension = "time"
valueSelectionMethod = "BY_VALUE"
nc_FP = arcpy.NetCDFFileProperties(inNetCDF)
print "nc_FP:", nc_FP
nc_Dim = nc_FP.getDimensions()
print "nc_Dim:", nc_Dim
for dimension in nc_Dim:
print "dimension:", dimension
if dimension == "time":
top = nc_FP.getDimensionSize(dimension)
print "top:", top
for i in range(0, top):
print "i", i
dimension_values = nc_FP.getDimensionValue(dimension, i)
print "dimension_values", dimension_values
nowFile = str(dimension_values)
print "nowFile (1):", nowFile
nowFile = nowFile.translate(None, '/')
print "nowFile (2):", nowFile
# I needed after 2013
test = int(nowFile.split()[0].split('-')[-1])
print "test", test
if int(nowFile.split()[0].split('-')[-1])==4021900: # 2013
dv1 = "time '{}'".format(dimension_values)
# dv1 = ["time", dimension_values]
# dimension_values = [dv1]
out_ras_lay = "sshf_Layer_{}".format(i)
arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md(inNetCDF, variable, x_dimension, y_dimension, out_ras_lay, band_dimension, dv1, valueSelectionMethod)
print "success"
out_name = "{}.tif".format(out_ras_lay)
out_ras = os.path.join(outLoc, out_name)
print "out_name:", out_name
print "out_ras:", out_ras
arcpy.CopyRaster_management(out_ras_lay, out_ras,"", "", "", "NONE", "NONE", "")
print "CopyRaster OK..."
A number of things that caused problems, for instance:
A resulting raster (12 were created):