Hi guys. I have a script which cycles through a directory and adds 4band data. It works like a charm. The problem is that the customer wants the results UNcompressed. By default, all of the resulting files are compressed and so I have to manually open each file and then simply export data/raster to raster/compression set to zero. That works, but it's tedious and unnecessarily expensive in time.
I have looked everywhere I can to find out how to do the export process with zero compression by script. No luck, so I figured I'd try here.
Below is the currently functioning script.
import os,arcpy,glob
rasterpath = r"filepath-source"
outFolder = r"filepath-end"
arcpy.env.workspace = rasterpath
for rasterFile in arcpy.ListRasters("*.tif"):
oName, oExt = os.path.splitext(rasterFile)
outRaster = os.path.join(outFolder, oName+ ".tif")
I know that the process of adding the band data creates pyramids, but my attempts to add zero compression to the environment on this script fails. What I'm looking for help with:
* the command line which will simply resave the data as-is but with no compression.
Compression is not an option for arcpy.CopyRaster_management in tiff format that I can find. There has to be a way to automate this. I'll be shooting myself if I have to manually open and resave hundreds of ortho images per object just for that single variable. I hope you guys can help! Thanks.
Compression (Environment setting)—Geoprocessing | ArcGIS Desktop
Is an environment setting, so I suppose you tried setting it to None
compression_type (Required) NONE—No compression will occur.
I did try that:
arcpy.env.compression = "NONE"
The results are still compressed with LZW.
Copy Raster—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop
well it is supposed to honor Compression
out_rasterdataset When storing a raster dataset to a JPEG file, JPEG 2000 file, TIFF file, or geodatabase, you can specify a compression type and compression quality.
Raster file formats—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop
Depends on your tif
1-bit unsigned integer | No | CCITT (1D), CCITT Group 3, CCITT Group 4, Packbits, LZW, or None | Yes |
4-bit signed integer | No | Packbits, LZW, or None | Yes |
8-bit unsigned integer | Yes | Packbits, LZW, JPEG (lossy), or None | Yes |
Big no for
8-bit signed integer | No | LZW | No |
16-bit unsigned integer | Yes | LZW | Yes |
16-bit signed integer | No | LZW | No |
32-bit unsigned/signed integer, or floating point | No | LZW | No |
Do you know how I would set that? I've seen that, but there are no examples I can copy.
I'm changing this line:
I'm using the 8-bit unsigned, so that appears to have the option at least.
8-bit unsigned integer | Yes | Packbits, LZW, JPEG (lossy), or None |
Thanks for the suggestions Dan! I'll keep looking.
Sondra, you set the environment parameter as you had before within the script before copyraster
I ran a test to check to see if it did anything. If it isn't set it defaults to 'LZ77' but I don't trust that capitalized NONE thing
arcpy.env.compression = None
arcpy.env['compression'] 'LZ77'
arcpy.env.compression = "NONE"
'NONE' # returned value
Any luck?
Nope. none at all. still looking to save a raster without compression.
I did do a verification through print(arcpy.env.compression) that the compression environment was successfully set to None, both before and after the loop. It was came back with the correct setting, but still getting the compression.
Interestingly, the compression is actually LZW, not the default LZ77. I found a reference to "How To: Change the default compression format for output TIFF files" but the file this article mentions doesn't exist on the machine I'm using. https://support.esri.com/en/technical-article/000007588
This seems to work ok in 10.6.1 and Pro 2.2
import arcpy
outFolder = r"C:\temp\data\results"
arcpy.env.workspace = r"c:\temp\data"
arcpy.env.compression = "NONE"
for rasterFile in arcpy.ListRasters("*", "TIF"):
outName, outExtension = arcpy.os.path.splitext(rasterFile)
outRaster = arcpy.os.path.join(outFolder, ''.join([outName, "_u", outExtension]))
arcpy.CopyRaster_management(rasterFile, outRaster)