i work on a python program for changing attribute in a xml. but when i test my script i've got a message who say :
SyntaxError Traceback (most recent call last) File C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\lib\ast.py, in parse: Line 35: return compile(source, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST) SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 11)
SyntaxError Traceback (most recent call last)
File C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\lib\ast.py, in parse:
Line 35: return compile(source, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 11)
can you help me to fix the problem please?
import os
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
import arcpy
from arcpy import metadata as md
from datetime import datetime
# Script arguments...
Source_Metadata = [
# Local variables
# new purpose text
resTitle1 = "n/a"
jason = "PMMCU"
jemets = "GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0"
madate = "2021-11-15T00:00:00"
madate2 = "2010-12-08T00:00:00"
opendatanorme = "CC0, CC BY, CC BY-SA"
Pub = "publication"
Al = "GeoService"
reglement = "Selon reglèment"
commission = "Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services"
conpass = "1"
domaine = "DQDomConsis"
balise = r'dqInfo/report'
att = "dimension"
valAtt = "horizontal"
type = "type"
newtype = "DQDomConsis"
balise2 = r'dqInfo/report/EvalMethTypeCd'
att2 = "value"
valAtt2 = "001"
balise3 = r'dqInfo/ScopeCD'
att3 = "value"
valAtt3 = "005"
# fonction ppour mettre à jour des valeurs
def update_metadata(root):
num_elements = 0
# Recherche de la balise depuis root
beta = root.find(".//" + balise)
if beta is not None:
print ('Les attributs de la balise ' + balise + " sont : " + str(beta.attrib))
if beta.get(type) is not None:
# L'attribut recherché existe
print ("L'attribut recherché existe (" + type + ")")
print ("Valeur actuelle : " + beta.get(type))
print ("Nouvelle valeur : " + newtype)
beta.set(type, newtype)
num_elements += 1
if beta.get(type) is None:
# L'attribut recherché n'existe pas
print ("L'attribut recherché n'existe pas (" + type + ")")
print ("Ajout de cet attribut avec la valeur : " + newtype)
beta.set(type, newtype)
num_elements += 1
print("La balise n'existe pas")
return num_elements
num_elements = 0
# Recherche de la balise depuis root
zeta = root.find(".//" + balise2)
# balise de ressource quality report dimension
if zeta is not None:
# Affichage des attributs de la balise
print ('Les attributs de la balise ' + balise2 + " sont : " + str(zeta.attrib))
if zeta.get(att2) is not None:
# L'attribut recherché existe
print ("L'attribut recherché existe (" + att2 + ")")
print ("Valeur actuelle : " + zeta.get(att2))
print ("Nouvelle valeur : " + valAtt2)
zeta.set(att2, valAtt2)
num_elements += 1
if zeta.get(att2) is None:
# L'attribut recherché n'existe pas
print ("L'attribut recherché n'existe pas (" + att2 + ")")
print ("Ajout de cet attribut avec la valeur : " + valAtt2)
zeta.set(att2, valAtt2)
num_elements += 1
print("La balise n'existe pas")
return num_elements
def update_metadata(root):
# Recherche de la balise depuis root
geta = root.find(".//" + balise3)
# balise de ressource quality report dimension
if geta is not None:
# Affichage des attributs de la balise
print ('Les attributs de la balise ' + balise3 + " sont : " + str(zeta.attrib))
if geta.get(att3) is not None:
# L'attribut recherché existe
print ("L'attribut recherché existe (" + att3 + ")")
print ("Valeur actuelle : " + zeta.get(att3))
print ("Nouvelle valeur : " + valAtt3)
geta.set(att3, valAtt3)
num_elements += 1
if geta.get(att3) is None:
# L'attribut recherché n'existe pas
print ("L'attribut recherché n'existe pas (" + att3 + ")")
print ("Ajout de cet attribut avec la valeur : " + valAtt3)
geta.set(att3, valAtt3)
num_elements += 1
print("La balise n'existe pas")
return num_elements
# get and save item metadata
for item in Source_Metadata:
arcpy.AddMessage("Item: {0}".format(item))
# get the item's metadata xml
item_md = md.Metadata(item)
metadata_xml_string = item_md.xml
# create an ElementTree object from the metadata XML string
root = ET.fromstring(metadata_xml_string)
# call the update_metadata function to modify the item's metadata
changes = update_metadata(root)
if changes > 0:
# get modified XML
updated_xml_string = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8")
# import result back into metadata
arcpy.AddMessage("Saving updated metadata with the item...")
item_md.xml = updated_xml_string
arcpy.AddMessage("No changes to save")
arcpy.AddMessage('Finished updating metadata for all source metadata items')
# function to update purpose and credits in metadata
def update_metadata(root):
num_elements = 0
for child in root:
print(child.tag, child.attrib)
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls = root.findall(".//formatVer")
for element in purposeEls:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = resTitle1
num_elements += 1
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls1 = root.findall(".//idCredit")
for element in purposeEls1:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = jason
num_elements += 1
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls2 = root.findall(".//useLimit")
for element in purposeEls2:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = opendatanorme
num_elements += 1
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls2 = root.findall(".//identCode")
for element in purposeEls2:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = Pub
num_elements += 1
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls2 = root.findall(".//formatName")
for element in purposeEls2:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = Al
num_elements += 1
# add credits element to dataIdInfo parent, if the parent exists
# ISO allows many dataIdInfo groups; ArcGIS supports only one, so get the 1st
# ISO allows many idCredit elements, and many are supported in ArcGIS
# append a new idCredit element with appropriate text, existing elements remain
dataIdInfoEls = root.findall("./dataIdInfo")
for element in dataIdInfoEls:
if element:
newCreditEl = ET.SubElement(element, "themeKeys")
newCreditEl1 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl, "thesaName")
newCreditEl2 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl1, "resTitle")
newCreditEl2.text = jemets
num_elements += 1
# add credits element to dataIdInfo parent, if the parent exists
# ISO allows many dataIdInfo groups; ArcGIS supports only one, so get the 1st
# ISO allows many idCredit elements, and many are supported in ArcGIS
# append a new idCredit element with appropriate text, existing elements remain
dataIdInfoEls = root.findall("./dataIdInfo")
for element in dataIdInfoEls:
if element.text is not None:
newCreditEl = ET.SubElement(element, "themeKeys")
newCreditEl1 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl, "thesaName")
newCreditEl2 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl1, "date")
newCreditEl3 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl1, "pubDate")
newCreditEl3.time = madate
num_elements += 1
# modif champ quality
# add credits element to dataIdInfo parent, if the parent exists
# ISO allows many dataIdInfo groups; ArcGIS supports only one, so get the 1st
# ISO allows many idCredit elements, and many are supported in ArcGIS
# append a new idCredit element with appropriate text, existing elements remain
dataIdInfoEls1 = root.findall("./dqInfo")
# for element in dataIdInfoEls1:
# if element.text is not None:
# newCreditcom = ET.SubElement(element, "report")
# newCreditcom1 = ET.SubElement(newCreditcom, "measResult")
# newCreditcom2 = ET.SubElement(newCreditcom1, "ConResult")
# newCreditcom3 = ET.SubElement(newCreditcom2, "conSpec")
# newCreditcom4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditcom3, "resTitle")
# newCreditcom4.text = commission
# num_elements += 1
# add credits element to dataIdInfo parent, if the parent exists
# ISO allows many dataIdInfo groups; ArcGIS supports only one, so get the 1st
# ISO allows many idCredit elements, and many are supported in ArcGIS
# append a new idCredit element with appropriate text, existing elements remain
for element in dataIdInfoEls1:
if element:
newCreditreg = ET.SubElement(element, "report")
newCreditreg1 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg, "measResult")
newCreditreg2 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg1, "ConResult")
newCreditreg3 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg2, "conSpec")
newCreditreg4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg3, "resAltTitle")
newCredit4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg3, "collTitle")
newCreditEll4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg3, "date")
newCreditEll5 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEll4, "pubDate")
newCreditcom4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg3, "resTitle")
newPass4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg2, "conPass") # type: Element
newCreditcom4.text = commission
newCreditreg4.text = reglement
newCredit4.text = reglement
newCreditEll5.text = madate2
newPass4.text = conpass
newCreditreg.text = domaine
num_elements += 1
return num_elements
# get and save item metadata
for item in Source_Metadata:
arcpy.AddMessage("Item: {0}".format(item))
# get the item's metadata xml
item_md = md.Metadata(item)
metadata_xml_string = item_md.xml
# create an ElementTree object from the metadata XML string
root = ET.fromstring(metadata_xml_string)
# call the update_metadata function to modify the item's metadata
changes = update_metadata(root)
if changes > 0:
# get modified XML
updated_xml_string = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8")
# import result back into metadata
arcpy.AddMessage("Saving updated metadata with the item...")
item_md.xml = updated_xml_string
arcpy.AddMessage("No changes to save")
arcpy.AddMessage('Finished updating metadata for all source metadataA items')
Source_Metadata = [
what is the parameter string's value? The error suggests it doesn't like it
thank for your return
Source_Metadata = [
this parameter it the where he can found the datalayer.
for example we can write Source_Metadata = [C:\Users\TOTO\AppData\Roaming\Esri\ArcGISPro\Favorites\tata.gdb]
ok so i found the problem and fix them:
now i want to change under-tag in xml tag so i use this script:
import os
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
import arcpy
from arcpy import metadata as md
from datetime import datetime
# Script arguments...
Source_Metadata = [r'arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)']
# Local variables
# new purpose text
resTitle1 = "n/a"
jason = "PMMCU"
jemets = "GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0"
madate = "2021-11-15T00:00:00"
madate2 = "2010-12-08T00:00:00"
opendatanorme = "CC0, CC BY, CC BY-SA"
Pub = "publication"
Al = "GeoService"
reglement = "Selon reglèment"
commission = "Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services"
conpass = "1"
domaine = "DQDomConsis"
balise = r'dqInfo/report'
att = "dimension"
valAtt = "horizontal"
type = "type"
newtype = "DQDomConsis"
balise2 = r'dqInfo/report/EvalMethTypeCd'
att2 = "value"
valAtt2 = "001"
balise3 = r'dqInfo/ScopeCD'
att3 = "value"
valAtt3 = "005"
# fonction ppour mettre à jour des valeurs
def update_metadata(root):
num_elements = 0
# Recherche de la balise depuis root
b = root.find(".//" + balise)
if b is not None:
# Affichage des attributs de la balise
print ('Les attributs de la balise ' + balise + " sont : " + str(b.attrib))
if b.get(att) is not None:
# L'attribut recherché existe
print ("L'attribut recherché existe (" + att + ")")
print (" Valeur actuelle : " + b.get(att))
print (" Nouvelle valeur : " + valAtt)
num_elements += 1
if b.get(att) is None:
# L'attribut recherché n'existe pas
print ("L'attribut recherché n'existe pas (" + att + ")")
print (" Ajout de cet attribut avec la valeur : " + valAtt)
num_elements += 1
print("La balise n'existe pas")
return num_elements
num_elements = 0
# Recherche de la balise depuis root
zeta = root.find(".//" + balise2)
# balise de ressource quality report dimension
if zeta is not None:
# Affichage des attributs de la balise
print ('Les attributs de la balise ' + balise2 + " sont : " + str(zeta.attrib))
if zeta.get(att2) is not None:
# L'attribut recherché existe
print ("L'attribut recherché existe (" + att2 + ")")
print ("Valeur actuelle : " + zeta.get(att2))
print ("Nouvelle valeur : " + valAtt2)
zeta.set(att2, valAtt2)
num_elements += 1
if zeta.get(att2) is None:
# L'attribut recherché n'existe pas
print ("L'attribut recherché n'existe pas (" + att2 + ")")
print ("Ajout de cet attribut avec la valeur : " + valAtt2)
zeta.set(att2, valAtt2)
num_elements += 1
print("La balise n'existe pas")
return num_elements
def update_metadata(root):
# Recherche de la balise depuis root
geta = root.find(".//" + balise3)
# balise de ressource quality report dimension
if geta is not None:
# Affichage des attributs de la balise
print ('Les attributs de la balise ' + balise3 + " sont : " + str(zeta.attrib))
if geta.get(att3) is not None:
# L'attribut recherché existe
print ("L'attribut recherché existe (" + att3 + ")")
print ("Valeur actuelle : " + zeta.get(att3))
print ("Nouvelle valeur : " + valAtt3)
geta.set(att3, valAtt3)
num_elements += 1
if geta.get(att3) is None:
# L'attribut recherché n'existe pas
print ("L'attribut recherché n'existe pas (" + att3 + ")")
print ("Ajout de cet attribut avec la valeur : " + valAtt3)
geta.set(att3, valAtt3)
num_elements += 1
print("La balise n'existe pas")
return num_elements
# function to update purpose and credits in metadata
def update_metadata(root):
num_elements = 0
for child in root:
print(child.tag, child.attrib)
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls = root.findall(".//formatVer")
for element in purposeEls:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = resTitle1
num_elements += 1
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls1 = root.findall(".//idCredit")
for element in purposeEls1:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = jason
num_elements += 1
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls2 = root.findall(".//useLimit")
for element in purposeEls2:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = opendatanorme
num_elements += 1
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls2 = root.findall(".//identCode")
for element in purposeEls2:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = Pub
num_elements += 1
# modify purpose element's text
# there is only supposed to be one purpose element in metadata
# replace purpose element text if element exists
# if element doesn't exist, do nothing
purposeEls2 = root.findall(".//formatName")
for element in purposeEls2:
if element.text is not None:
element.text = Al
num_elements += 1
# add credits element to dataIdInfo parent, if the parent exists
# ISO allows many dataIdInfo groups; ArcGIS supports only one, so get the 1st
# ISO allows many idCredit elements, and many are supported in ArcGIS
# append a new idCredit element with appropriate text, existing elements remain
dataIdInfoEls = root.findall("./dataIdInfo")
for element in dataIdInfoEls:
if element:
newCreditEl = ET.SubElement(element, "themeKeys")
newCreditEl1 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl, "thesaName")
newCreditEl2 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl1, "resTitle")
newCreditEl2.text = jemets
num_elements += 1
# add credits element to dataIdInfo parent, if the parent exists
# ISO allows many dataIdInfo groups; ArcGIS supports only one, so get the 1st
# ISO allows many idCredit elements, and many are supported in ArcGIS
# append a new idCredit element with appropriate text, existing elements remain
dataIdInfoEls = root.findall("./dataIdInfo")
for element in dataIdInfoEls:
if element.text is not None:
newCreditEl = ET.SubElement(element, "themeKeys")
newCreditEl1 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl, "thesaName")
newCreditEl2 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl1, "date")
newCreditEl3 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEl1, "pubDate")
newCreditEl3.time = madate
num_elements += 1
# modif champ quality
# add credits element to dataIdInfo parent, if the parent exists
# ISO allows many dataIdInfo groups; ArcGIS supports only one, so get the 1st
# ISO allows many idCredit elements, and many are supported in ArcGIS
# append a new idCredit element with appropriate text, existing elements remain
dataIdInfoEls1 = root.findall("./dqInfo")
# for element in dataIdInfoEls1:
# if element.text is not None:
# newCreditcom = ET.SubElement(element, "report")
# newCreditcom1 = ET.SubElement(newCreditcom, "measResult")
# newCreditcom2 = ET.SubElement(newCreditcom1, "ConResult")
# newCreditcom3 = ET.SubElement(newCreditcom2, "conSpec")
# newCreditcom4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditcom3, "resTitle")
# newCreditcom4.text = commission
# num_elements += 1
# add credits element to dataIdInfo parent, if the parent exists
# ISO allows many dataIdInfo groups; ArcGIS supports only one, so get the 1st
# ISO allows many idCredit elements, and many are supported in ArcGIS
# append a new idCredit element with appropriate text, existing elements remain
for element in dataIdInfoEls1:
if element:
newCreditreg = ET.SubElement(element, "report")
newCreditreg1 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg, "measResult")
newCreditreg2 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg1, "ConResult")
newCreditreg3 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg2, "conSpec")
newCreditreg4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg3, "resAltTitle")
newCredit4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg3, "collTitle")
newCreditEll4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg3, "date")
newCreditEll5 = ET.SubElement(newCreditEll4, "pubDate")
newCreditcom4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg3, "resTitle")
newPass4 = ET.SubElement(newCreditreg2, "conPass") # type: Element
newCreditcom4.text = commission
newCreditreg4.text = reglement
newCredit4.text = reglement
newCreditEll5.text = madate2
newPass4.text = conpass
newCreditreg.text = domaine
num_elements += 1
return num_elements
# get and save item metadata
for item in Source_Metadata:
arcpy.AddMessage("Item: {0}".format(item))
# get the item's metadata xml
item_md = md.Metadata(item)
metadata_xml_string = item_md.xml
# create an ElementTree object from the metadata XML string
root = ET.fromstring(metadata_xml_string)
# call the update_metadata function to modify the item's metadata
changes = update_metadata(root)
if changes > 0:
# get modified XML
updated_xml_string = ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8")
# import result back into metadata
arcpy.AddMessage("Saving updated metadata with the item...")
item_md.xml = updated_xml_string
arcpy.AddMessage("No changes to save")
arcpy.AddMessage('Finished updating metadata for all source metadataA items')
but that don't change my under-tag do you know what it's donc't work please?
I don't see how line 11 fixed the problem, you need to throw some print or AddMessage statements in and we need to see what the output is as you progress through the script
just when i put all of the text in the same line.
so for the rest arcgisPro say :
valeur modifiee pour balise 1 et 2
Item: Y:\SIG-GEOSERVICES\3_OPENDATA_SIG\METADONNEES\Developpement\Metadonnees_SDE\Test_Esri.gdb\agri_MdGrosAcces
Saving updated metadata with the item...
Finished updating metadata for all source metadataA items
so for the script he do every change but in the reality the scritp don't change the valor when it is in a tag
d<qInfo xmlns=""><dqScope><scpLvl><ScopeCd value="005"/></scpLvl></dqScope><dataLineage><statement>A remplir</statement></dataLineage><report xmlns="" type="DQNonQuanAttAcc" dimension="horizontal">