I have added an environment variable of boolean type in both parameters as well environment section.
For the parameter section I am setting its default value as true using parameter.value. Because of that it is showing as checked.
And same I am trying to do in the environment section by setting the value like arcpy.env.transferDomains = True. It is setting the value but not showing the checkbox as Checked.
Added the screenshot where transferDomains checkbox is not checked when tool is opened for the first time.
Can somebody help me here? @EarlMedina @JoshuaBixby
Hi @TonyO . I looked into your problem and I have to admit I'm stumped. It looks like you're doing everything right. You said the code is honored but the UI does not update accordingly? Is that correct?
Yes that is the case I am setting the value as true but checkbox is not showing as checked. arcpy.env.transferDomains = True
And I am setting this in init method
My suggestion is to open a quick case with technical support and check if they have this logged as a bug and, if not, go ahead and log one.