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Enable edit session for particular layer in a versioned geodatabase

04-30-2024 03:32 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hello, I am looking to enable an edit session for a particular versioned layer in an ESRI geodatabase. I have a script tool where you select a layer as a parameter, but I get the following error:

RuntimeError: Objects in this class cannot be updated outside an edit session 

So my question is this. Am i able to enable an edit session for a given versioned geodatabase layer through Python scripting, or is there a way to enable an editing session for a layer through model builder before running the script?


The script I am attempting to run has this information listed at the beginning.

Script to setup as a toolbox script for use in Model Builder
create assets in Assetic from the selected features in ArcGIS layer
Assume Model Builder model has applied a feature selection
This example assumes script is run in an edit session
Requires assetic_esri v1.0.1.4 or later


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4 Replies
by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

Hi @SouthCoastGIS,

You can use:

import arcpy
from arcpy.da import Editor as Editing, UpdateCursor as Updating, InsertCursor as Inserting, SearchCursor as Searching
##with arcpy.da.Editor( Workspace/database ) as edit:
##    with ( Searching( ), Inserting( ) , Updating( ) ) as cursor:
##         for row in cursor:
##             logic handeling
##             cursor.updateRow/cursor.insertRow( row )

There is plenty of documentation on editor if you research into it.

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MVP Regular Contributor

In this case, since you are pointing at a layer input by the user, I would suggest that the user have the database connection pointed to the correct version when it's input. If not, you could either create a new database connection (or connection string) pointed to the version you want.

Or you can try useing Change Version.

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Emerging Contributor

There is currently only the default version of the database so the sde version should suffice. Is there a method to take the layer name from the input parameter?


Apologies i am new to Python. I can see there is the arcpy.GetParameter() method, is there a way in ArcGIS Pro I could play around the GetParameter or GetParameterAsStrings methods interactively to see what is returned from my chosen inputs? 

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MVP Regular Contributor

Using arcpy.GetParameter() returns the object that was input for that parameter when running the tool; whatever you have set as the parameter datatype. In the case of your tool here, if it isGPFeatureLayer or GPLayer, the return value of GetParameter() will be a Layer object so you'll have access to all that object's properties and methods. connectionProperties, dataSource, longName, or name might be the property you're looking for.


layer = arcpy.GetParameter(0)

def main(layer):
    arcpy.AddMessage(f"connectionProperties: {layer.connectionProperties}")
    arcpy.AddMessage(f"dataSource: {layer.dataSource}")
    arcpy.AddMessage(f"longName: {layer.longName}")
    arcpy.AddMessage(f"name: {}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


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