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Elevation profile geoprocessing service - error 000840

09-04-2014 08:37 AM
Deactivated User



I am trying to create an Elevation Profile service using the Python code found on the link:


And I followed all the instructions. I am able to publish the geoprocessing service, but when I run the gp service inside ArcGIS I get an error saying:



Error executing tool.: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid. ERROR 000840: The value is not a TIN Layer. ERROR 000840: The value is not a Raster Layer. ERROR 000840: The value is not a Terrain Layer. ERROR 000840: The value is not a LAS Dataset Layer. Failed to execute (InterpolateShape). Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid. ERROR 000840: The value is not a TIN Layer. ERROR 000840: The value is not a Raster Layer. ERROR 000840: The value is not a Terrain Layer. ERROR 000840: The value is not a LAS Dataset Layer. Failed to execute (InterpolateShape). Failed to execute (Profile). Failed to execute (Profile).


The problem seems to be in the Interpolate Shape analysis in line 307 but I am not sure what is wrong with it. Do you guys have any ideas? Here is the code below. Thank you so much!


""" Tool name: Profile Source name: Profile Tool.pyt Description: Return an elevation profile for an input polyline. Author: Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. Last updated: Aug. 05, 2014 """ import os import time import arcpy  class Toolbox(object):     def __init__(self):         """Define the toolbox (the name of the toolbox is the name of the         .pyt file)."""         self.label = "Profile Tool"         self.alias = ""          # List of tool classes associated with this toolbox = [Profile]  class Profile(object):     def __init__(self):         """Define the tool (tool name is the name of the class)."""         self.label = "Profile"         self.description = "Return an elevation profile for an input polyline."         self.canRunInBackground = False         # custom properties         self.debug = True         self.outputToTable = False # set to True to direct the output to a table.         self.idFieldName = "ID"         self.glen_field1 = "proflen0"         self.glen_field2 = "proflen1"         self.metadataFieldName = "DEMResolution"         self.geodesicLenFieldName = "ProfileLength"         self.listLinearUnits = ["Meters", "Kilometers", "Feet", "Yards", "Miles"]         #---------------------------------------------------         # Maximum number of vertices         #---------------------------------------------------         self.maxNumVertices = 2000         #---------------------------------------------------         # DEM boundary layer         #----------------------------------------------------         boundaryLayer1 = "demboundary"         if False:             arcpy.Describe(boundaryLayer1)         self.demBoundary = boundaryLayer1         #----------------------------------------------------         # Profile schema feature class         #----------------------------------------------------         profileSchm1 = r"D:\ArcGISData\ElevationProfile\ProfileData\dembnd.gdb\profileschema"         self.profileSchema = profileSchm1         #----------------------------------------------------         # DEM resolution dictionary         #---------------------------------------------------         self.dictDEMResolutions = {"90m":"90", "30m":"30", "10m":"10"}         self.defaultDEMResolution = '90'         #---------------------------------------------------         # DEM data layers         #---------------------------------------------------         # Define layer variables         #---------------------------------------------------         demLayer1 = "dem90m"         demLayer2 = "dem30m"         demLayer3 = "dem10m"         #---------------------------------------------------         # Wrap each variable in an arcpy.Describe statement         #---------------------------------------------------         if False:             arcpy.Describe(demLayer1)             arcpy.Describe(demLayer2)             arcpy.Describe(demLayer3)         #---------------------------------------------------         # Update the DEM layers dictionary         #---------------------------------------------------         self.dictDEMs = {"90":demLayer1,                         "30":demLayer2,                         "10":demLayer3}         #----------------------------------------------------         # DEM coordinate system         demSR = arcpy.Describe(self.dictDEMs.values()[0]).spatialReference         self.demCoordinateSystem = demSR         # DEM linear unit         lun = demSR.linearUnitName         if lun == "" or lun == None:             lun = demSR.angularUnitName             if 'degree' in lun.lower():                 lun = 'decimaldegrees'         if 'foot' in lun.lower() or 'feet' in lun.lower():             lun = 'feet'         self.demLinearUnit = lun         # for adjusting length, change the zf here. eg, if the DEM linear unit is feet, then zf = 0.3048.         # for meter, zf = 1.0; for decimal degrees, use zf = 1.0         self.zFactor = self.getUnitConversionFactor(self.demLinearUnit)          self.errorMessages = ["No input polyline features specified. The input needs to have at list one line feature.",                 "Input resolution is not supported. Select a different DEM source.",                 "The input profile line you requested falls outside of the data currently available in this service.",                 "Input parameter {0} is not valid.",                 "The input polyline contains too many vertices. Reduce the number of vertices.",                 "The specified sample distance results in more vertices than allowed. Increase sampling distance.",                 "Input feature contains too many vertices or the sample distance is too small. Specify a line with less than 1024 vertices, or increase the sampling distance.",                 "Input sample distance cannot be 0 or negative.",                 "Input feature id field does not exist. Change to another field or leave it as default.",                 "The number of input profile lines exceeds limit. Reduce the number of input profile lines to not more than 10."]      def getLayerName(self, res):         if not res in self.dictDEMs.keys():             arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[1])             raise             return         return self.dictDEMs[res]      def getUnitConversionFactor(self, u1): # get conversion factor         uFactor = 1         inUnit = u1.strip().lower()         if inUnit in ["meters", "meter"]:             uFactor = 1         if inUnit in ["centimeters", "centimeter"]:             uFactor = 0.01         if inUnit in ["decimaldegrees", "decimaldegree"]:             uFactor = 1         if inUnit in ["decimeters", "decimeter"]:             uFactor = 0.1         if inUnit in ["feet", "foot"]:             uFactor = 0.3048         if inUnit in ["foot_us", "feet_us"]:             uFactor = 0.3048006096012192         if inUnit in ["inches","inch"]:             uFactor = 0.0254         if inUnit in ["kilometers", "kilometer"]:             uFactor = 1000         if inUnit in ["miles","mile"]:             uFactor = 1609.344         if inUnit in ["millimeters", "millimeter"]:             uFactor = 0.001         if inUnit in ["nauticalmiles", "nauticalmile"]:             uFactor = 1852         if inUnit in ["points", "point"]:             uFactor = 0.000352777778         if inUnit in ["unknown", ""]:             uFactor = 1         if inUnit in ["yards", "yard"]:             uFactor = 0.91440         return uFactor      def lineFootprintTest(self, in_line_features):         # Footprint polygon         footPrt = self.demBoundary         resList = []         footPrtLayer = 'aFootPrtLyr'         arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(footPrt,footPrtLayer)         arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(footPrtLayer, "COMPLETELY_CONTAINS",                                                 in_line_features)         self.traceExecutionTime("")         with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(footPrtLayer, "res") as cursor:             for row in cursor:                 resList.append(row[0])          return resList      def CountVerticesAndLength(self, in_polylines1):         countL = 0         countV = 0         totalLen = 0         individualLen = []          list_oid = []         list_vert = []         list_geodesiclen = []          with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(in_polylines1, ("Shape@", "Shape@Length", "OID@", self.glen_field2)) as cur:             for row in cur:                 countL += 1                 countV += row[0].getPart(0).count                 totalLen += row[1]                 individualLen.append(row[1])                 list_oid.append(row[2])                 list_vert.append(row[0].getPart(0).count)                 list_geodesiclen.append(row[3])          return (countL, countV, totalLen, individualLen, list_oid, list_vert, list_geodesiclen)      def CountVerticesNoProjection(self, in_polylines1):         countV = 0         with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(in_polylines1, ("Shape@")) as cur:             for row in cur:                 countV += row[0].getPart(0).count          return countV      def getResolutionByLength(self, in_len):         dem_res = []         if in_len < 5000:             dem_res = [10, 30, 90]         if in_len >= 5000 and in_len < 15000:             dem_res = [30, 90]         if in_len >= 15000:             dem_res = [90]         return dem_res      def getResolutionByLengthFootprint(self, in_polylines, total_len):         len_candidates = self.getResolutionByLength(total_len)         foot_candidates = self.lineFootprintTest(in_polylines)         self.traceExecutionTime("")         foot_candidates_int = [int(x) for x in foot_candidates]         res_list = [i for i in len_candidates if i in foot_candidates_int]         res_list.sort()         if len(res_list) == 0:             arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[2])             raise         return res_list      def getResolutionByFootprint(self, in_polylines):         foot_candidates = self.lineFootprintTest(in_polylines)         self.traceExecutionTime("")         foot_candidates_int = [int(x) for x in foot_candidates]         foot_candidates_int.sort()         if len(foot_candidates_int) == 0:             arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[2])             raise         return foot_candidates_int      def getDefaultNumberVertices(self, in_number_vertices):         out_num = None         if in_number_vertices <= 50:             out_num = 50         if in_number_vertices > 50 and in_number_vertices <= 200:             out_num = 200         if in_number_vertices > 200:             out_num = in_number_vertices         return out_num      def densifyLine(self, in_line_features, distanceLU):         if distanceLU != "": # only do it when not empty                 arcpy.Densify_edit(in_line_features, "DISTANCE", distanceLU)                 self.traceExecutionTime("")      def weedLine(self, in_line_features, in_toler):         if in_toler <> 0: # only do it when not 0             arcpy.Generalize_edit(in_line_features, in_toler)             self.traceExecutionTime("")      def traceExecutionTime(self, msg):         if self.debug:             if msg <> None:                 arcpy.AddMessage(msg)             arcpy.AddMessage(arcpy.GetMessages())      def printCoordinateSystem(self, in_dataset):         des = arcpy.Describe(in_dataset)         arcpy.AddMessage(      def validateNumerical(self, inVal, paramStr):         if inVal == None: # None is OK             return         elif inVal <= 0:             arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[7].format(paramStr))             raise      def validateDistanceUnits(self, inStr, paramStr):         tempUnitsList = [s.lower() for s in self.listLinearUnits]         tempUnitsList.extend(["#", ""])         if inStr == None: # None is OK             return         elif not (inStr.lower() in tempUnitsList):             arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[3].format(paramStr))             raise      def validateInputDEMSource(self, inDEM):         tempDEMList = [s.upper() for s in self.dictDEMResolutions.keys()]         tempDEMList.extend(["", "FINEST", "#"])         if inDEM == None: # None is OK             return         elif not (inDEM.strip().upper() in tempDEMList):             arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[1].format(inDEM))             raise      def validateFeatureIDField(self, inName, inFeature):         fldList = arcpy.ListFields(inFeature)         fldListLower = [ for f in fldList]         if inName == None: # None is OK             return         elif not (inName.lower() in fldListLower):             arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[8])             raise      def formatInputDEMSource(self, inSource):         tempDEMList = self.dictDEMResolutions.keys()         tempDEMList.extend(["", "FINEST"])         retVal = inSource         for d in tempDEMList:             if inSource.upper() == d.upper():                 retVal = d                 break         return retVal      def createProfile(self, in_line_features, inputIsInOcean, line_id_field, idFieldIsTemp, inputSR,             dem_resolution, line_count, list_geodesiclen, out_profile):         try:             line_features_inputCS = os.path.join(r"in_memory", r"linetmpafterprj03")             route_temp = os.path.join(r"in_memory", "outroutetmp")             interp_line_temp = r"in_memory\interpouttmp"             out_vertices_temp = r"in_memory\verticestmp"             arcpy.env.workspace = "in_memory"              # get Z values from DEM             arcpy.InterpolateShape_3d(in_surface=self.getLayerName(dem_resolution),                                      in_feature_class=in_line_features,                                      out_feature_class=interp_line_temp,                                      vertices_only="VERTICES_ONLY")             self.traceExecutionTime("")             # Calculate M values using Create Routes tool             # By default, M is in meters. To change the M unit,             # change the unit in which glen_field2 is calculated (in the execute method)             arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(in_line_features=interp_line_temp, route_id_field=line_id_field,                                 out_feature_class=route_temp, measure_source="TWO_FIELDS",                                 from_measure_field=self.glen_field1, to_measure_field=self.glen_field2)             self.traceExecutionTime("")              if self.outputToTable: # out to table                 # project the line                 arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = inputSR  # convert to input projection                 arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(route_temp, line_features_inputCS) # project                 self.traceExecutionTime("")                 arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = ""                 # extract X, Y, Z, M                 arcpy.CreateTable_management("in_memory", os.path.basename(out_profile), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "profile_schema.dbf"))                 self.traceExecutionTime("")                 with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(out_profile, ("ID", "POINT_X", "POINT_Y", "POINT_M", "POINT_Z")) as icur:                     with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(line_features_inputCS, ("Shape@", line_id_field)) as scur:                         for row in scur:                             geo = row[0]                             id_val = row[1]                             for l1 in geo.getPart():                                 for pnt in l1:                                     x = pnt.X                                     y = pnt.Y                                     m = pnt.M                                     z = pnt.Z                                     icur.insertRow((id_val, x, y, m, z))             else: # out to line                 # project the line                 arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = inputSR  # convert to input projection                 arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(route_temp, out_profile) # project                 self.traceExecutionTime("")                 arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = ""                 # Add metadata info                 if inputIsInOcean:                     dem_source = ['1000m']                 else:                     dem_source = [k for k, v in self.dictDEMResolutions.iteritems() if v == str(dem_resolution)]                 arcpy.AddField_management(out_profile, self.metadataFieldName, "TEXT", field_length=50, field_alias="DEM Resolution")                 arcpy.CalculateField_management(out_profile, self.metadataFieldName, "'" + dem_source[0] + "'", "PYTHON")                 # Add geodesic length for profile                 arcpy.AddField_management(out_profile, self.geodesicLenFieldName, "DOUBLE", field_alias="Length Meters")                 i = 0                 with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(out_profile, self.geodesicLenFieldName) as ucur:                     for row in ucur:                         row[0] = list_geodesiclen                         i += 1                         ucur.updateRow(row)                 # remove tempid field                 if idFieldIsTemp:                     arcpy.DeleteField_management(out_profile, line_id_field)          except:             msgs = arcpy.GetMessages(2)             arcpy.AddError(msgs)             raise      def getParameterInfo(self):         """Define parameter definitions"""         param0 = arcpy.Parameter(name="InputLineFeatures",                                  displayName="Input Line Features",                                  direction="Input",                                  parameterType="Required",                                  datatype="GPFeatureRecordSetLayer")         # Feautre set schema         param0.value = self.profileSchema          param1 = arcpy.Parameter(name="ProfileIDField",                                  displayName="Profile ID Field",                                  direction="Input",                                  parameterType="Optional",                                  datatype="Field")         param1.filter.list = ['OID', 'Short', 'Long']          param2 = arcpy.Parameter(name="DEMResolution",                                  displayName="DEM Resolution",                                  direction="Input",                                  parameterType="Optional",                                  datatype="GPString")         param2.filter.type = "ValueList"         list_dem = [" ", "FINEST"]         dem_keys = self.dictDEMResolutions.keys()         dem_keys.sort()         list_dem.extend(dem_keys)         param2.filter.list = list_dem          param3 = arcpy.Parameter(name="MaximumSampleDistance",                                  displayName="Maximum Sample Distance",                                  direction="Input",                                  parameterType="Optional",                                  datatype="GPDouble")          param4 = arcpy.Parameter(name="MaximumSampleDistanceUnits",                                  displayName="Maximum Sample Distance Units",                                  direction="Input",                                  parameterType="Optional",                                  datatype="GPString")          param4.filter.type = "ValueList"         param4.filter.list = self.listLinearUnits         param4.value = "Meters"          param5 = arcpy.Parameter(name="OutputProfile",                                  displayName="Output Profile",                                  direction="Output",                                  parameterType="Derived",                                  datatype="DEFeatureClass")          params = [param0, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5]         return params      def isLicensed(self):         """Set whether tool is licensed to execute."""         return True      def updateParameters(self, parameters):         """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal         validation is performed.  This method is called whenever a parameter         has been changed."""         return      def updateMessages(self, parameters):         """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool         parameter.  This method is called after internal validation."""         return      def execute(self, parameters, messages):         """The source code of the tool."""         try:             startTime = time.time()             self.debug = False             in_polylines = parameters[0].value             profile_id_field = parameters[1].valueAsText             dem_resolution_p = parameters[2].valueAsText             sample_distance_p = parameters[3].value             sample_distance_units = parameters[4].valueAsText             out_profile = os.path.join("in_memory", "profile1")              arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True             maxInputLines = 100 # sync is 100, async is 1000             if ("elevation_gpserver" in arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace):                 maxInputLines = 1000              # Get input SR             d0 = arcpy.Describe(in_polylines)             inputSR = d0.spatialReference             oidfld1 = d0.OIDFieldName              # project first             polylines_after_prj = os.path.join("in_memory", "inputlinetmp02")             # project to raster coordinate system             arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = self.demCoordinateSystem              arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(in_polylines, polylines_after_prj) # project             arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = ""             self.traceExecutionTime("")              # Add and calcualte geodesic length fields - from field and to field for             # Create Routes tool to calculate the M values             arcpy.AddField_management(polylines_after_prj, self.glen_field1, "DOUBLE")             self.traceExecutionTime("")             arcpy.CalculateField_management(polylines_after_prj, self.glen_field1,                                 "0", "PYTHON_9.3")             self.traceExecutionTime("")             # The unit in which glen_field2 is calculated determines the M unit.             # To change it other units, replace meters below with desired units             arcpy.AddField_management(polylines_after_prj, self.glen_field2, "DOUBLE")             self.traceExecutionTime("")             arcpy.CalculateField_management(polylines_after_prj, self.glen_field2,                                 "!shape.geodesiclength@meters!", "PYTHON_9.3")             self.traceExecutionTime("")              # validate profile id field             time_a = time.time()             self.validateFeatureIDField(profile_id_field, in_polylines)             time_b = time.time()             if self.debug:                 arcpy.AddMessage("ValidateFeatureIDField execution time: " + str(time_b - time_a))              # make temp id field             idFieldIsTemp = False             temp_id_field = "tmpprflid_"             if profile_id_field == None:                 idFieldIsTemp = True # needed for field removal later                 fieldSp = 0                 fieldIsObjID = 1                 profile_id_field = temp_id_field             elif profile_id_field.lower() in ["oid", "fid", "objectid"]:                 idFieldIsTemp = True # needed for field removal later                 fieldSp = 1                 fieldIsObjID = 0                 profile_id_field = temp_id_field              if profile_id_field == temp_id_field: # default                 arcpy.AddField_management(polylines_after_prj, profile_id_field, "LONG")                 self.traceExecutionTime("")                 arcpy.CalculateField_management(polylines_after_prj, profile_id_field, "!" + oidfld1 + "!", "PYTHON_9.3")                 self.traceExecutionTime("")              # var for metering             fieldSp = 1             fieldIsObjID = 1             samplingDistSp = 0              # now find the line length and number of vertices             time_a = time.time()             lineFact = self.CountVerticesAndLength(polylines_after_prj)             time_b = time.time()             if self.debug:                 arcpy.AddMessage("CountVerticesAndLength execution time: " + str(time_b - time_a))              line_counts = lineFact[0]             total_num_vert = lineFact[1]             total_len = lineFact[2]             indiv_len = lineFact[3]             list_oid = lineFact[4]             list_vert = lineFact[5]             list_glen = lineFact[6]              if line_counts < 1:                 arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[0])                 raise             elif line_counts > maxInputLines:                 arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[9])                 raise              self.validateNumerical(sample_distance_p, "Maximum Sample Distance")             self.validateDistanceUnits(sample_distance_units, "Maximum Sample Distance Units")             self.validateInputDEMSource(dem_resolution_p)              # trim dem_resolution_p             if dem_resolution_p is not None and str(dem_resolution_p).upper() <> "FINEST":                 if dem_resolution_p.strip() == "":                     dem_resolution_p = None                 if dem_resolution_p is not None:                     dem_resolution_p = self.dictDEMResolutions[self.formatInputDEMSource(dem_resolution_p)]              # determine whether input line is in ocean             inputIsInOcean = False             # determine resolution             if str(dem_resolution_p).upper() <> "FINEST":                 if dem_resolution_p is None: # case 1 blank (default)                     dem_resolution = self.defaultDEMResolution                     res_list = self.getResolutionByFootprint(polylines_after_prj)                     if not int(dem_resolution) in res_list:                         arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[2])                         raise                         return                 else: # case 2 specified                     dem_resolution = dem_resolution_p                     res_list = self.getResolutionByFootprint(polylines_after_prj)                     if not int(dem_resolution) in res_list:                         arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[2])                         raise                         return             else: # case 3 - FINEST:                 res_list = self.getResolutionByFootprint(polylines_after_prj)                 dem_resolution = str(int(res_list[0]))              if sample_distance_units == None:                 sample_distance_units = "meters"              outfeaturelayer1 = "tempfeaturelayer"             arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(polylines_after_prj, outfeaturelayer1)             self.traceExecutionTime("")              for oid_val in list_oid:                 query_exp = oidfld1 + "=" + str(oid_val)                 arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(outfeaturelayer1, "NEW_SELECTION", query_exp)                 self.traceExecutionTime("")                  in_len = indiv_len[list_oid.index(oid_val)] # individual line length                 in_glen = list_glen[list_oid.index(oid_val)] # individual glength                  ratio1 = in_len / (in_glen / self.zFactor) # ratio to convert to Mercator                 in_num_vert = list_vert[list_oid.index(oid_val)] # individual line vertex number                  if sample_distance_p == None: # default                     samplingDistSp = 0 # metering                     out_num_vert = in_num_vert                     needDensify = False                     needWeed = False                     if in_num_vert < 50:                         out_num_vert = 50                         needDensify = True                     elif in_num_vert >= 50 and in_num_vert < 200:                         out_num_vert = 200                         needDensify = True                     elif in_num_vert >= 200 and in_num_vert <= self.maxNumVertices:                         out_num_vert = in_num_vert                         needDensify = False                     elif in_num_vert > self.maxNumVertices:                         out_num_vert = self.maxNumVertices                         needDensify = False                         needWeed = True                      sample_distance_m = in_len / (out_num_vert - 1) # default sample distance                      if needDensify:                         # change the unit here to DEM linear unit, eg, feet, meters, decimaldegrees                         self.densifyLine(outfeaturelayer1, str(sample_distance_m) + " " + self.demLinearUnit)                     if needWeed:                         self.weedLine(outfeaturelayer1, str(int(dem_resolution) / 4.0) + " " + self.demLinearUnit)                 else: # specified                     samplingDistSp = 1 # metering                     newSamplingDist = ratio1 * sample_distance_p # convert to GCS distance                     sample_distance_m = newSamplingDist * self.getUnitConversionFactor(sample_distance_units) / self.zFactor # convert to Feet                     nVert = int((in_len / sample_distance_m) + 1)                     if nVert > self.maxNumVertices:                         arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[5])                         raise                         return                     else:                         self.densifyLine(outfeaturelayer1, str(sample_distance_m) + " " + self.demLinearUnit)                  # final count of no. vertices                 nVert1 = self.CountVerticesNoProjection(outfeaturelayer1)                 if nVert1 > self.maxNumVertices * 2:                     arcpy.AddError(self.errorMessages[6])                     raise                     return              # Execute the tool, line is already densified             arcpy.AddMessage("DEM Resolution: " + dem_resolution + ", Sampling Distance: "                                + str(sample_distance_m))             self.createProfile(polylines_after_prj, inputIsInOcean, profile_id_field, idFieldIsTemp, inputSR,                             dem_resolution, line_counts, list_glen, out_profile)              arcpy.SetParameterAsText(5, out_profile)          except:             msgs = arcpy.GetMessages(2)             arcpy.AddError(msgs) 
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