Distance between Points

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10-09-2014 01:40 PM
Deactivated User

here the thing-

in the same layer, I have POINT_X, POINT_Y and POINT_X_1, POINT_Y_1, as decimal degrees.

I´m trying to find the linear distance in meters from the 2 points.

I´m trying to get it with pyhton, using the below code, but I get always the same syntax error

000989 : Python syntax error: <value>


Any help appreciated





pre-logic code


ef Haversine(Lat0, Lat1, Lon0, Lon1):

[INDENT]dlat = Lat0 - Lat1

dlon = Lon0 - Lon1

a = (math.sin(math.radians(dlat)/2 )*math.sin(math.radians(dlat)/2 )) + math.cos(math.radians(Lat1) )*math.cos(math.radians( Lat0 ) )*(math.sin(math.radians(dlon)/2 )*math.sin(math.radians(dlon)/2 ))

c = 2*math.atan2( math.sqrt(a ),math.sqrt(1-a ))

H = c * 6371

return H





Haversine( !POINT_Y! , !POINT_Y_1! , !POINT_X! , !POINT_X_1! )

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1 Solution

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At the moment this process is comparing apples and oranges and it will give incorrect results.

This said, the process needed is to build in a reproject function to take the coordinates from Geographic Coordinates (decimal degrees) into Map units (meters).

#Todo Get distance between 2 point

Step 1: Build up representation of 1st point in memory as PointGeometry Object

Step 2; Reproject point in map units

Step 3: Build up representation of 2nd point in memory as PointGeometryObject

Step 4: Reproject this into Map Units

Step 5: Compare the 2 points using Pythagoras Formula.

Attached is a function to perform the Reproject using the arcpy module


def projectSR (pt, sr): #sr = spatial reference, pt is geometry in memory


    gcs = arcpy.SpatialReference(2193)  #2193 = factory code for NZ Transverse Mercator

    gt = 'NZGD_2000_To_WGS_1984_1' #geographic transformation, if application

    coords = []

    ptgeom = arcpy.PointGeometry(pt, nztm).projectAs(gcs, gt)



    del ptgeom

    return coords

Call projectSR to get the coordinates in map units meters and then you'll be able to use the Pythagoras theorem.


View solution in original post

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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

At the moment this process is comparing apples and oranges and it will give incorrect results.

This said, the process needed is to build in a reproject function to take the coordinates from Geographic Coordinates (decimal degrees) into Map units (meters).

#Todo Get distance between 2 point

Step 1: Build up representation of 1st point in memory as PointGeometry Object

Step 2; Reproject point in map units

Step 3: Build up representation of 2nd point in memory as PointGeometryObject

Step 4: Reproject this into Map Units

Step 5: Compare the 2 points using Pythagoras Formula.

Attached is a function to perform the Reproject using the arcpy module


def projectSR (pt, sr): #sr = spatial reference, pt is geometry in memory


    gcs = arcpy.SpatialReference(2193)  #2193 = factory code for NZ Transverse Mercator

    gt = 'NZGD_2000_To_WGS_1984_1' #geographic transformation, if application

    coords = []

    ptgeom = arcpy.PointGeometry(pt, nztm).projectAs(gcs, gt)



    del ptgeom

    return coords

Call projectSR to get the coordinates in map units meters and then you'll be able to use the Pythagoras theorem.


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MVP Emeritus

If you still want to use Haversine, there are many examples on the web in python, for example

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