I'm testing out the new arcpy.management.CreateDatabaseConnectionString() with a connection to a 10.8.1 enterprise geodatabase in Oracle, but I can't seem to get any workspace properties from Describe. Everything results in OSError: "CIMDATA=<CIMStandardDataConnection xsi:type=...rest of connection string" does not exist
If I create the connection with an object_name and schema so it points to a feature class, I can get layer properties from Describe and use things like ListFields(). So I know it can make some kind of usable connection. When testing, I'm only specifying database_platform, instance, username, and password. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
The function hasn't been updated to understand how to interpret a database connection string. The results from CreateDatabaseConnectionString are a Python string, and Describe interprets a Python string to either be a path to a suitable item or the name of an instantiated ArcGIS Pro object, which the string from CreateDatabaseConnectionString is neither. It is similar to passing the path of a CSV file vs passing the contents of a CSV file to Describe. The function would know what to do with the former, but would give the same OSError on the latter because it doesn't understand that contents of a CSV file were just passed to it.
Ah, boo. I see what you're saying. Off to Python Ideas!