I am trying to delete duplicates form a table but the issues is the part where I try to delete the duplicates.
The script merges table together then delete the duplicates. After the script runs i noticed that there were still duplicates so i ran just the delete duplicates part of the script in a stand alone script and it removes totally different duplicates so i am confused as to why the delete duplicates part removes duplicates differently. Any ideas?
If i run the following
import arcpy
from datetime import datetime as d
import logging, os
startTime = d.now()
start_time = time.time()
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\\Users\\***\\AppData\\Roaming\\Esri\\ArcGISPro\\Favorites\\***.sde"
# Get a list of all the tables.
tableListA = arcpy.ListTables('DSD.DBO.SubdivisionList')
# Loop through the list and run truncate
for tableA in tableListA:
#SDE tables and feature classes
tableA = r'C:\\Users\\SubdivisionList' #table that gets updated from ORN and Centerline
tableB = r'C:\Users\\Subdivision_boundaries'
tableC = r'C:\Users\PreliminarySubs'
tableD = r"C:\Users\Official_Subdivision_Names"
####Compare and inject missing street names from ORN table
tableAList = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tableA, ['PLAT_NAME']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
del cursor
#list of fields whose will need to be imported into tableA
fields = ['PLAT_NAME']
#list of values from tableA to inject into tableC
ids = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tableC, ['SUBNAME']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] not in tableAList:
del cursor
#create insert cursor variable
insertCursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(tableA,fields)
#loop through items in ids list and insert into table
for i in ids:
del insertCursor
del ids
###Compare and inject missing street names and Status field from centerline
tableAList = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tableA, ['PLAT_NAME', 'Year']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
del cursor
#list of fields whose will need to be imported into tableA
fields = ['PLAT_NAME', 'Year']
#list of values from tableB to inject into tableA
ids = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tableB, ['PLAT_NAME', 'Year']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] not in tableAList:
del cursor
#create insert cursor variable
insertCursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(tableA,fields)
#loop through items in ids list and insert into table
for i in ids:
del insertCursor
del ids
print ("Finihsed Comparing and inject missing street names from Preliminary Plats")
print ('(Elapsed time: ' + str(d.now() - startTime)[:-3] + ')')
###### Compare replicated Subnames From SDE
table1List = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tableA, ['PLAT_NAME', 'Year']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
del cursor
#list of fields whose will need to be imported into table1
fields = ['PLAT_NAME', 'Year']
#list of values from table1 to inject into table3
ids = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tableD, ['PLAT_NAME', 'Year']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] not in table1List:
del cursor
#create insert cursor variable
insertCursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(tableA,fields)
#loop through items in ids list and insert into table
for i in ids:
del insertCursor
del ids
print ("Finihsed Comparing and inject missing Subs names from replicated Subnames From SDE")
print ('(Elapsed time: ' + str(d.now() - startTime)[:-3] + ')')
#Deletes duplicate records after merging centerline and ONR
fc = r'C:\\Users\\SubdivisionList'
fields1 = ['OBJECTID', 'PLAT_NAME']
table_rows = []
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields1) as cursor1:
for row in cursor1:
if row[1:] in table_rows:
print ("Deleting record: OBJECTID = {}".format(row[0]))
del table_rows
del cursor1
It removes only these
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1817
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1883
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1938
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1939
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2150
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2151
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2152
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2153
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2154
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2155
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2156
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2157
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2158
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2159
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2160
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2161
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2162
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2163
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2164
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2165
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2166
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2167
If I just run the deleterows after the above script it deletes more. The delete row in the above script should delete all the duplicates..?
import arcpy
fc = r'C:\\Users\\SubdivisionList'
fields = ['OBJECTID', 'PLAT_NAME']
table_rows = []
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[1:] in table_rows:
print ("Deleting record: OBJECTID = {}".format(row[0]))
del table_rows
It deletes
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 11
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 311
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 419
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 545
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 640
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 945
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 976
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1003
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1076
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1103
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1286
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1518
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1705
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1884
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 1951
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2069
Deleting record: OBJECTID = 2071
Solved! Go to Solution.
Why don't you use the Delete Identical interface it handles things much more efficiently
Why don't you use the Delete Identical interface it handles things much more efficiently
After trying the delete Identical like you suggested i was still getting duplicates. I found that it was due to fact that i had the delete duplicates before the arcpy.CalculateField_management to making the field all upper case, once i put the delete duplicate block after arcpy.CalculateField_management it was fine. Some of the tables had lower case while others had lower case. I didn't think that would make a difference if they were lower vs upper case.
cAsE MaTtErs