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Custom tool to output base raster and custom overlay as single RGB output

New Contributor


Hello ArcGIS Pro community. I'm working on creating a custom Python tool in ArcGIS Pro and I could use some advice and feedback.

I have 4 band imagery split into RGB and NDVI rasters and am trying to pass an “NDVI enhanced” RGB image to a deep learning model (Only accepts 3 channel input).

I have split out NDVI values from 0 to 1 in their own raster. These represent the values -2 to 2.

These are now in a semi-transparent overlay with the extremes in red and green, and the middle values transparent. I want to get this overlay on top of the base RGB raster and output the flattened image it as a single 3 chanel RGB raster for analysis.

I’m finding the deep learning easy compared to preparing the input raster!

Here's what I'm trying to accomplish with the tool:

  1. Take a base RGB raster (Mine is  around 300GB – will test on smaller sample using Mask Environment setting)
  2. Overlay a single-band raster with values between 0 and 1 on top of the base raster, with defined symbology (either set by the layer’s symbology or a defined color ramp)
  3. Process in blocks
  4. Output the result as a new raster

The key point is that I want to use the symbology (color ramp and stretch settings) that I've already applied to the overlay raster in my ArcGIS Pro project, or need a method to define this using a custom ramp.

I appreciate any insights, tips, or code snippets you can provide. Thanks in advance for your help!

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