After the second run of my script or an iteration to make a second map, I am getting this error. I have a read out of the maps in Messages right before this error and the map is there.
Has anyone ever seen this?
exportfile = os.path.join(root, dirname, mapexportshort + "_test" + Versionnumber + ".mmpk" ), exportfile, Compositeloc, None, clipbyhillshade, "CLIP", "Map", Versionnumber, '', '', '', '', "STANDARD", "DISABLE_MAP_EXPIRATION", "ALLOW_TO_OPEN", None, "This map is expired. Contact the map publisher for an updated map.", "KEEP_ALL_RELATED_ROWS", "INCLUDE_SERVICE_LAYERS")
arcpy.AddMessage("-Map Export Complete")
What does the rest of your code look like?