Hello everyone,
Wondering if there is a way to complete the following using arcpy.
Any insights appreciated. My searches so far haven't turned much up.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Did you check Tiled Labels to Annotation?
Thanks. I will look into that!
Did this work for you Chris?
Thanks for the reminder James. Yes, I’m just ironing out a few bugs and will then post the solution.
Great. Thanks! This is exactly what I am trying to do in Data Driven pages. A script will save tons of clicks.
Here's the solution I have to date. It is in the context of a model at this point. I plan to at some point move it into a single script tool.
Script for CreatePolygonE (found the base code for this on geonet from Jake Skinner - Thanks Jake):
import arcpy
locno = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
year = locno[3:7]
arcpy.AddMessage('locno: ' + locno)
workspace = "O:/plan/luam/1p2007/" + year + "/" + locno + "/data_for_item.gdb" #|data"
arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
mxd = "O:/plan/luam/1p2007/" + year + "/" + locno + "/" + locno + "-existing_proposed.mxd"
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxd)
dataframe = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "*")[0]
frameExtent = dataframe.extent
XMAX = frameExtent.XMax
XMIN = frameExtent.XMin
YMAX = frameExtent.YMax
YMIN = frameExtent.YMin
pnt1 = arcpy.Point(XMIN, YMIN)
pnt2 = arcpy.Point(XMIN, YMAX)
pnt3 = arcpy.Point(XMAX, YMAX)
pnt4 = arcpy.Point(XMAX, YMIN)
array = arcpy.Array()
polygon = arcpy.Polygon(array)
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(polygon, "Polygon_Extent")
result = True
arcpy.SetParameterAsText(1, result)
Script for CreateAnnotation:
import arcpy
locno = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
year = locno[3:7]
arcpy.AddMessage('locno: ' + locno)
mxd = "O:/plan/luam/1p2007/" + year + "/" + locno + "/" + locno + "-existing_proposed.mxd"
Polygon_Extent = "O:/plan/luam/1p2007/" + year + "/" + locno + "/data_for_item.gdb/Polygon_Extent"
outGdb = "O:/plan/luam/1p2007/" + year + "/" + locno + "/data_for_item.gdb"
GroupAnno = "GroupAnno"
# Process: Tiled Labels To Annotation
arcpy.TiledLabelsToAnnotation_cartography(mxd, "Layers", Polygon_Extent, outGdb,
GroupAnno, "Anno", "4000", "", "", "", "", "STANDARD", "GENERATE_UNPLACED_ANNOTATION")
result = True
arcpy.SetParameterAsText(1, result)
So, while I was able to get this working and save the annotation to a file geodatabase. The "Convert Labels to Annotation" form in the manual arcMap process to give you the ability to save the annotation in the existing mxd file. I was not able to find a way to accomplish that with arcpy. Is that not possible?
Thanks all!
From this GeoNet post, Annotation classes not visible after adding an annotation layer, it looks like you can use MakeFeatureLayer_management to create a layer and then add the layer using mapping.AddLayer.