I am using the Feature to Polygon Tool in the moodle builder in conjunction with two variables holding a feature class with lines and a feature class with polygons respectively (inputs).
The model runs successfully in Edit-Mode, but using it as a Geoprocessing-Tool «ERROR 000366: Invalid geometry type» is thrown (apparently, line polygon combination is not allowed, despite documentation advising otherwise) – is there a way to circumvent this problem?
What I am actually trying to do is splitting the polygons with the lines, but the Split Features Tool has the same problem.
I am using ArcGIS 2.8.2.
both are featureclasses in a gdb?
are they singlepart features? or multipart?
polygonZ/M or polylineZ/M?
Thank you, @DanPatterson, for your time!
Yes, each feature class is located in a different gdb.
For the line geometries, the SHAPE* attribute says Polyline.
For the polygon geometries, the SHAPE* attribute says Polygon.
I checked for the presence of multi-part features by comparing the number of geometries in the attribute table before and after applying the Multipart to Singlepart Tool – no difference, i.e. no multi-part features.
As for the polygons, neither z nor m information is embedded.
I assume you tried different geometries to rule out file or gdb issues or try two geometries that are the same?
I nothing works, then Tech Support would be your best option
You could try running Repair Geometry against the output and before you try to use it to see if that clears things up