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Circumvent ERROR 000366: Invalid geometry type

01-11-2022 11:28 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am using the Feature to Polygon Tool in the moodle builder in conjunction with two variables holding a feature class with lines and a feature class with polygons respectively (inputs).

The model runs successfully in Edit-Mode, but using it as a Geoprocessing-Tool «ERROR 000366: Invalid geometry type» is thrown (apparently, line polygon combination is not allowed, despite documentation advising otherwise) – is there a way to circumvent this problem? 

What I am actually trying to do is splitting the polygons with the lines, but the Split Features Tool has the same problem.

I am using ArcGIS 2.8.2.

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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

both are featureclasses in a gdb?

are they singlepart features? or multipart?

polygonZ/M or polylineZ/M?


... sort of retired...
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Emerging Contributor

Thank you, @DanPatterson, for your time!

Yes, each feature class is located in a different gdb.
For the line geometries, the SHAPE* attribute says Polyline.
For the polygon geometries, the SHAPE* attribute says Polygon.
I checked for the presence of multi-part features by comparing the number of geometries in the attribute table before and after applying the Multipart to Singlepart Tool – no difference, i.e. no multi-part features.
As for the polygons, neither z nor m information is embedded.


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I assume you tried different geometries to rule out file or gdb issues or try two geometries that are the same?

I nothing works, then Tech Support would be your best option

... sort of retired...
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Frequent Contributor

You could try running Repair Geometry against the output and before you try to use it to see if that clears things up 

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