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Calculate US National Grid coordinates for a point feature class

05-17-2012 06:36 AM
Emerging Contributor
Does anybody have a script that can calculate the US National Grid coordinate value for all points in a feature class? Apparently there is some functionality for the US National Grid built into ArcMap 10, but I have yet to run across any tools, menus, wizards or toolboxes that have anything to do with this.

Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.
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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
You can use this script: to get the coordinates into MGRS or USNG coordinates (they are the same thing).

Sample use:
>>>    import CoordConvertor
>>>    ct = CoordConvertor.CoordTranslator()
>>>    print ct.AsMGRS([36.279707,-77.266846],4,False)
18S TF 96401735

Couple this module with the arcpy.UpdateCursor() you can then insert each value into your column.

You can also try to follow the instruction found here:

Hope this helps.
Emerging Contributor
Thanks!! Will try this post haste!
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Regular Contributor

See the EditorTracker add-in here -- - US National Grid 

Add X,Y, and USNG fields to your feature class, and at every add/update, coordinates are calculated. 

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