Hi All,
I'm having issues building a valid SQL expression I keep getting an invalid syntax, no matter what I try.
I'm using Pro version 3.0.3
I have a filed called "OID_" in a point Feature class
the error is to do with the sql_expression
File "<string>", line 1
OID_ >= 1001 AND OID_ <= 2000
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
What am I missing here?
Below is a snippet of my code:
field_to_search = param2 #"OID_"
field_to_update = param3 #"test"
field_with_values = param4 #"T_500"
# Define a list of search and copy ranges
search_ranges = [(i, i+999) for i in range(1001, 998002, 1000)]
copy_ranges = [(i+1, i+1000) for i in range(1001, 998001, 1000)]
# Create a search cursor to loop through the feature class
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, [field_to_search, field_to_update, field_with_values]) as cursor:
# Loop through each range of rows
for search_range, copy_range in zip(search_ranges, copy_ranges):
# Build a SQL expression to select the rows to update
sql_expression = 'OID_ >= {} AND OID_ <= {}'.format(search_range[0], search_range[1])
# Select the rows to update
selected_rows = [row for row in cursor if eval(sql_expression)]
# Loop through the selected rows
for i, row in enumerate(selected_rows, start=1):
# Calculate the index for the row to copy from
copy_index = row[0] + 1
if copy_index >= copy_range[0] and copy_index <= copy_range[1]:
# Select the row to copy from
cursor_copy = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, field_with_values, "OID_ = {}".format(copy_index))
for row_copy in cursor_copy:
# Update the field with the value from the other field
row[1] = row_copy[0]
del cursor_copy
# Reset the cursor to the first row before starting the next range
FYI this is the other versions I have tried:
sql_expression = "{} >= {} AND {} <= {}".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc, field_to_search), int(search_range[0]), int(search_range[1]), arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc, field_to_search))
sql_expression = f"{field_to_search} >= {int(search_range[0])} AND {field_to_search} <= {int(search_range[1])}"
sql_expression = '{} >= {} AND {} <= {}'.format(field_to_search, str(search_range[0]), field_to_search, str(search_range[1]))
sql_expression = "'{}' >= {} AND '{}' <= {}".format(field_to_search, search_range[0], field_to_search, search_range[1])
sql_expression = "'{}' >= {} AND '{}' <= {}".format(field_to_search, search_range[0], field_to_search, search_range[1])
sql_expression = "{} >= {} AND {} <= {}".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc, field_to_search), search_range[0], arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc, field_to_search), search_range[1]) # Select the rows to update selected_rows = [row for row in cursor if eval(sql_expression)]
Please post your code with the code sample formatting and proper indentation so we can see how things should work on our end, thanks!
Thanks, I was wondering how to add the code that keeps the formatting.
I have attached the data and model builder script. I have reduced the amount of data that it would normally have, to be able to upload at an attachment.
import arcpy
def ScriptTool(param0, param1, param2, param3, param4):
# Update Left and Right rows
print("Update Left and Right rows, this will take a while...")
# Set the workspace where the feature class is located
arcpy.env.workspace = param0 #arcpy.env.workspace = r""
fc = param1 #fc = "T13_trial_pt_Export"
# Set the input feature class and the fields to update
field_to_search = param2 # "OID_"
field_to_update = param3 # "test"
field_with_values = param4 # "T_500"
# Define a list of search and copy ranges
search_ranges = [(i, i+999) for i in range(1001, 998002, 1000)]
copy_ranges = [(i+1, i+1000) for i in range(1001, 998001, 1000)]
# Create a search cursor to loop through the feature class
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, [field_to_search, field_to_update, field_with_values]) as cursor:
# Loop through each range of rows
for search_range, copy_range in zip(search_ranges, copy_ranges):
# Build a SQL expression to select the rows to update
sql_expression = 'OID_ >= {} AND OID_ <= {}'.format(search_range[0], search_range[1])
# Select the rows to update
selected_rows = [row for row in cursor if eval(sql_expression)]
# Loop through the selected rows
for i, row in enumerate(selected_rows, start=1):
# Calculate the index for the row to copy from
copy_index = row[0] + 1
if copy_index >= copy_range[0] and copy_index <= copy_range[1]:
# Select the row to copy from
cursor_copy = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, field_with_values, "OID_ = {}".format(copy_index))
for row_copy in cursor_copy:
# Update the field with the value from the other field
row[1] = row_copy[0]
del cursor_copy
# Reset the cursor to the first row before starting the next range
arcpy.AddMessage("Script Complete!")
return fc
# This is used to execute code if the file was run but not imported
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Tool parameter accessed with GetParameter or GetParameterAsText
param0 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
param1 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
param2 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
param3 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)
param4 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4)
fc = ScriptTool(param0, param1, param2, param3, param4)
arcpy.SetParameterAsText(5, fc)
Ah, much better! I haven't looked too closely at the exact logic of the script, but there's a couple of big issues:
[row for row in cursor if row[0] >= search_range[0] and row[0] <= search_range[1]]
Overall I think your best bet is to take a step back and rearrange the order you're running your statements in. One trick that might apply here is to use a dictionary comprehension to quickly turn a dataset into a lookup table. Something like:
lookup = {x[0]: x[1] for x in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lookup_table, (lookup_key_field, value_field))}
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(update_table, (update_key_field, data_field)) as cursor:
for key, current_value in cursor:
new_value = lookup.get(key, current_value)
if new_value != current_value: # Avoid needless updates, saves costly db hits
cursor.updateRow((key, new_value))
That way you do one pass through the lookup table and make matches in memory, saving a ton of database activity. Good luck!
Thanks, ill have a look at doing that.