I'm trying to get an old python script from 10.1 days to run in ArcGISPro 3. I ran it through 2to3 and while it runs, it emits useless warnings (File cannot be processed) for each layer and has blank output after the layer name. I'm hoping to a) get help getting it to run in its fully glory (maybe switching in some newer functions) and/or b) figure out how to get more informative errors. I just started using ArcGIS Pro and chose to use Notebook until I can figure out running from an IDE.
PS, I thought it might be some outdated metadata, but I created a new layer in ArcGISPro and it still shows the same warnings. So far it's ran on Shapefiles, FileGDB vectors, and .tifs. Same problems.
Here's the top 10% of it.
# Version: ArcGIS 10.1 and 10.2
# Purpose: This script will iterate through each GIS file in a folder (and all recursive folders) and report information
# about each layers metadata. The script is intended to run from a script tool inside an ArcGIS Toolbox. The script requires three
# user input values:
# 1. An input folder
# 2. An output Excel File
# 3. An output folder to store temporary files
# Revised: John Zastrow, November 18, 2022, porting to work with Python 3 and ArcGIS Pro 3.0
# Setup environment and import modules
import xlwt, os, arcpy
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Get user input parameters, please note that the inputFolder cannot contain any GIS files, or they will not be read
# inputFolder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
# outputFile = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
# tempOutputFolder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
# Input parameters below are for testing only
inputFolder = r"C:\data\workingData\dataMiner\subfolder"
outputFile = r"C:\dataMiner\version_2.0\output\output.xls"
tempOutputFolder = r"C:\dataMiner\version_2.0\temp"
# Create workbook with one sheet named Output
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
ws = wb.add_sheet("Output")
# Create list of column names in the workbook
headerNamesList = [
"Feature Name",
"Feature Path",
"Feature Type",
"Object Type",
"Feature Count",
"Coordinate System Type",
"Geographic Coordinate System",
"Projected Coordinate System",
"Horizontal Units",
"North Bounding Coordinate",
"East Bounding Coordinate",
"South Bounding Coordinate",
"West Bounding Coordinate",
"Created Date",
"Modified Date",
"MetaData Version",
headerColumn = 0
for name in headerNamesList:
ws.write(0, headerColumn, name)
headerColumn = headerColumn + 1
# Create empty global lists and other global variables
datasetList = []
fcList = []
tableList = []
workspaceList = []
rasterList = []
listOfEnvWorkspaces = []
excelRow = 1
# Fucntion to test if metadata tags have values in XML file
def verifyMetadata(tag
global tagReturn
if tag is not None:
tagReturn = tag.text
return tagReturn
return tagReturn
# Searches through all folders for GIS files
for dir, folderNames, fileNames in os.walk(inputFolder
for subFolderName in listOfEnvWorkspaces:
arcpy.env.workspace = subFolderName
print("Processing Folder: " + subFolderName)
arcpy.AddMessage("Processing Folder: " + subFolderName)
datasetList = arcpy.ListDatasets()
fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
tableList = arcpy.ListTables()
workspaceList = arcpy.ListWorkspaces("", "Access")
rasterList = arcpy.ListRasters()
# Checks for feature classes in file geodatabases feature classes, coverages, and CAD files
for dataset in datasetList:
for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("", "", dataset
# Creates a temporary empty XML file to store each files XML data
fcXML = tempOutputFolder + "/" + fc + ".xml"
tempXMLFile = open(fcXML, "w")
# Copies metadata from file into temporary XML file
arcpy.MetadataImporter_conversion(fc, fcXML)
# Makes an ElementTree object and reads XML into ElementTree
tree = ElementTree()
# Checks on XML version (9.x vs. 10.x) and gathers information on metadata
if tree.find("Esri/ArcGISFormat") is not None:
" Processing File: "
+ os.path.join(dataset, fc)
+ " (Version 10.x XML)"
" Processing File: "
+ os.path.join(dataset, fc)
+ " (Version 10.x XML)"
title = tree.find("dataIdInfo/idCitation/resTitle")
keywords = tree.find("dataIdInfo/searchKeys/keyword")
abstract = tree.find("dataIdInfo/idAbs")
purpose = tree.find("dataIdInfo/idPurp")
contact = tree.find("mdContact/rpIndName")
distribution = tree.find("distInfo/distFormat/formatName")
fcMetaDataVersion = "10.x"
" Processing File: "
+ os.path.join(dataset, fc)
+ " (Version 9.x XML)"
" Processing File: "
+ os.path.join(dataset, fc)
+ " (Version 9.x XML)"
title = tree.find("idinfo/citation/citeinfo/title")
keywords = tree.find("idinfo/keywords/theme/themekey")
abstract = tree.find("idinfo/descript/abstract")
purpose = tree.find("idinfo/descript/purpose")
contact = tree.find("idinfo/ptcontac/cntinfo/cntperp/cntper")
distribution = tree.find("distinfo/resdesc")
fcMetaDataVersion = "9.x"
created = tree.find("Esri/CreaDate")
modified = tree.find("Esri/ModDate")
could you edit your post so it is formatted with line numbers
Code formatting ... the Community Version - Esri Community
There are some syntax errors in this pasted code- for example:
for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("", "", dataset
its missing the last ).
Edit to add- I think those were the 😞 that were converted to emojis before changing it a formatted code.
The MetadataImporter_conversion line, doesn't look like it has the right arguments. From the Pro docs (since we are working in Pro now), it looks like it expects a template for arg 1, and arg 2 is expecting a featureclass, or string 'ALWAYS'? This is kind of odd that the docs do not provide the typical arg, explanation, expected type format so I am not sure what they expect since the two uses of the MetadataImporter method in that doc have different types in the args.
# Copies metadata from file into temporary XML file
fcXML = tempOutputFolder + "/" + fc + ".xml"
arcpy.MetadataImporter_conversion(fc, fcXML)
Maybe you need the saveAsXML, which matches your code comment better:
# Save an exact copy of the item's ArcGIS metadata
output_copy = "C:/data/roads_copy.xml"
Thanks. My computer melted down shortly after posting this and I'm still getting it recovered. I'll start work on this again soon hopefully.