I'm currently working with a multiple featureclass geodatabase where domains and subtypes have been set up. However, we've discovered that a number of records have been improperly attributed. When we run the geodatabase though our shchemas, (either in part or in whole,) a number of the records symbolize properly, but those that have the incorrect attributions result in thousands of null records that have to be edited by hand because of the existence of the subtypes. Does anyone know if it can be scripted so that all of this manual editing can be done automatically?
ArcGIS Code Sharing search on 'domains' or other keywords might yield something
The data reviewer license has http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.6/extensions/data-reviewer/validating-domains.htm
Thank you for the information on the data reviewed. It will help a great deal in terms of identifying the errors.
I would like to correct spelling mistakes in some place names of a map. How can I do that, please?