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arcpy license problem

10-17-2023 06:42 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi at all,

I'm currently having a problem getting arcpy to work.

I have a WebServer with ArcGIS Pro installed.

An webapp of mine is trying to start a python script, but always fails, because arcpy throws the following error "The product license has not been initialized".

ArcGIS Pro has a Singel Use License. And if I start the script myself, the script runs just fine.

But if the IUSR of the IIS process starts the script, arcpy is not licensed.

Shouldn't the single use license be machine wide?

What do I need to do, to get the script working und der ISS user?

Thanks, Sebastian

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

I had to log into the machine as the user running the script, launch ArcGIS Pro, and set the licensing. There's also a way to modify the registry so all users have the same licensing config, but I haven't tried that yet.

How To: Lock Licensing Options in ArcGIS Pro (

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Occasional Contributor

The problem is, that I cant do this.

The user wich runs the WebServer process / App is no real user. Windows creates such a "virtual" user per Application Pool.

You cant login with such an IIS user. So I cant open ArcGIS Pro there.

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