I am reading rows from a database with a field "Coords" that contains polygon coordinates in the format 40.090170,-83.007704|40.089878,-83.007724..... and inserting each row as a polygon.
The first feature is drawn correctly, the second feature is drawn but is connected to and duplicates the first feature, and the third contains all three and so on.
The coordinates are cumulative (not intentionally). I tried deleting variables between iterations, but that didn't help. What am I missing?
import pypyodbc import arcpy GdbFeat = r"\\server\Arc_Server_data\publish.gdb\OUPS" spatialRef = arcpy.Describe(GdbFeat).spatialReference conn = pypyodbc.win_connect_mdb(r"C:\GIS\db\COWOUPSx.mdb") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT TicketDate, TicketNum, Coords FROM Tickets WHERE (((TicketDate) = #11/15/2014#))") rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close del cursor conn.close del conn if rows: polygonArray = arcpy.Array() for row in rows: Coords = row[6] coordinatePairList = Coords.split("|") for coordinatePair in coordinatePairList: coordinates = coordinatePair.split(",") currentPoint = arcpy.Point(coordinates[1],coordinates[0]) polygonArray.add(currentPoint) polygon = arcpy.Polygon(polygonArray, spatialRef) polygonArray.removeAll with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(GdbFeat, ("Shape@", "TicketDate", "TicketNum")) as Acursor: Acursor.insertRow((polygon, row[0], row[1])) del Coords del polygon del coordinatePairList del coordinatePair del coordinates del currentPoint del row del rows
Solved! Go to Solution.
need to be
Your array is never emptying, so it contains each set of coordinates with each run through the for-loop
need to be
Your array is never emptying, so it contains each set of coordinates with each run through the for-loop
That's what I thought - I was just missing the ()
Thank You
Answered here
need to create a new array for each iteration
if rows:
for row in rows:
polygonArray = arcpy.Array()
I thought polygonArray.removeAll would reset the array, but it did not.
Creating the array after the for row in rows would work too, since it creates a new array each time. Your code was just missing the parantheses, otherwise it would have been fine as is.