I've just updated a script from ArcGIS Desktop for use in ArcPro and am getting differences in results. Using arcpy.PointGeometry([pointObject]).buffer([distance]) in ArcGIS Desktop gives a buffered circle with vertices spaced around 50 meters apart (~ 380 vertices in total)
Using the same code and inputs in ArcGIS Pro gives a buffered circle with vertices spaced around 500m apart (around 35 vertices in total) which gives unexpected results since the script relies on a precise comparison of geometry.
Doing a quick test and hard coding a distance (i.e. 1000.0001) still results in the same 35 vertices.
Setting the buffer distance to 100000.001 still results in the same 35 vertices?!
Can anyone/ESRI let me know what has changed which would cause this? Why are the number of vertices so low and/or not increase with the relative scale of the circle?
Note: Environment settings are the same between arcmap and pro.