I have problem publishing a simple python script as geoprocessing service with ArcGIS Server.
import urllib
import arcpy
u = arcpy.GetParameter(0)
url = "http://geoegl.msp.gouv.qc.ca/cgi-wms/mapcache.fcgi/tms/1.0.0/carte_gouv_qc_public@EPSG_3857/" + u
image = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
This is a simple proxy that uses urllib to redirect images. When I try to publish this script, ArcMap always go idle and finally crash. If I try to publish a script that do not import urllib, I have no problem.
Can someone tell me if trying to publish a python script that import urllib into ArcGIS Server could make the Publisher crashing?
After letting the publisher running idle for a while some errors shows up:
High Unresolved 00178 Data: C:\Windows\bfsvc.exe, used by Script Script cannot be copied to the server
High Unresolved 24032 Data source used by Script Script is not registered with the server and will be copied to the server: C:\temp\arcgis\arcpy\
Any idea what is going wrong?
Have you looked at the following post:
geoprocessing service analysis/publish errors, trying to copy "data" that isn't needed
It looks like if you change your import from:
import urllib
from urllib import *
this may resolve your problem.