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ArcGIS Pro List Elments

10-30-2020 10:33 AM
Frequent Contributor

I have a script that I am trying to move over to Pro but I am having problems with updating text the layout .

The text "Template" in the layout doesn't get updated by arcpy.GetParameterAsText. I don't know why it doesn't update, I don't get any errors.

import arcpy, string, os

aprx ="C:\Temp\ArcGISProTest.aprx")

#acc_val = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
project ="CURRENT")
layer1 = project.listMaps()[0]
lyr = layer1.listLayers("TAXLOTS")[0]
lyt = project.listLayouts("Layout1")[0]
mf = lyt.listElements('MAPFRAME_ELEMENT','*')[0]

arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.dirname(project.filePath)
wp = os.path.dirname(project.filePath)

values = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
fieldName = "ParID"
values = values.split(";")  # split values into list
values = ["'{0}'".format(v) for v in values] # add single quotes
whereClause = "{0} IN ({1})".format(fieldName, ",".join(values))
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lyr, "NEW_SELECTION", whereClause)

Name = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
for lyt in aprx.listLayouts():
    for elm in lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT"):
        if elm.text == "Template":
            elm.text = Name

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lyr, ["SHAPE@","ParID"]) as cursor:   
    for row in cursor:  
        featureextent = mf.getLayerExtent(lyr)
        # Set mapframe camera to featureextent
        # Reduce mapframe slightly to avoid feature clipping. *= 1.2  
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7 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor
 vals = "1;2;3".split(";")

values = ["'{0}'".format(v) for v in vals]

values # ---- hmmmmm
["'1'", "'2'", "'3'"]‍‍‍‍‍‍

# ---- try again
values = ["{0}".format(v) for v in vals]

['1', '2', '3']

... sort of retired...
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Frequent Contributor

That part of my codes works fine, with your recommendation gives me an error.

values = ["{0}".format(v) for v in vals]
  ERROR 000358: Invalid expression‍.Failed to execute (SelectLayerByAttribute).
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

maybe you have empty selection so nothing to split .  It is safer to be overt and check and preassign conditions that may be encountered.  A couple of extra lines of code are also easier to track errors since "None" is not an iterable, so it will fail in the "for v in vals" section.

vals = "1;2;3".split(";")

if vals:
    out = ["{0}".format(v) for v in vals]
    out = []

['1', '2', '3']

vals = None

Always show some sample data which includes "regular" and "edge" cases

... sort of retired...
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Frequent Contributor

That part of the code works fine, the parcel ParID's are selected and it zooms to the ParID's.

The text element in the layout doesn't get updated by the arcpy.GetParameterAsText.

This part doesn't do anything and I don't get any error.

Name = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
for lyt in aprx.listLayouts():
    for elm in lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT"):
        if elm.text == "Template":
            elm.text = Name
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

test it to see what you are getting then

for elm in lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT"):
    if elm.text == "Template":

... sort of retired...
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Frequent Contributor

I had to call the text element name and in my case it was 'Text 1' not the 'Template', like below.

import arcpy

Name = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
aprx ="CURRENT")
for lyt in aprx.listLayouts():
    for elm in lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT", "Text 1"):
        elm.text = Name

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Which goes to show the usefulness of print statements when debugging

... sort of retired...
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