I have recently upgraded to ArcGIS Pro 3.0.0 and now none of my python scripts work. What do I need to configure to get them to work in 3.0.0?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Just fixed the issue, seems it might have been Excel related. I used the info here:
to update the Access DB engine and that seems to have fixed things.
Oh weird; I thought it was supposed to be pretty good for most scripts. Do any of them give specific errors? I know several tools were changed, so you might be effected by that.
Migration from ArcGIS Pro 2.x to 3.0—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Were you using 2.9 recently? or is it an Arcmap upgrade?
from your python IDE, try
import sys
and report the path.
Finally, none of my python scripts work
Do they just fail silently or do you get error messages?
Did you clone your previous arcgispro-py3 environment?
What @Luke_Pinner said - Pro upgrades have a nasty habit of messing with your environments. Do you get a message in your interpreter like:
Active environment version : 2.7
arcgispro-py3 environment version : 2.6
To create a new environment that is up to date with arcgispro-py3:
1. Generate a list of additional packages installed in your current environment,
with the conda command:
> conda env export > env.yaml
2. (Optional) If you have additional dependencies installed through pip,
find those with pip freeze:
> pip freeze > requirements.txt
2. Create a new environment by cloning arcgispro-py3, and activate it:
> conda create --clone arcgispro-py3 --name my-env --pinned
> activate my-env
3. Add back missing conda packages from your current environment:
> conda env update -n my-env -f env.yaml
4. (Optional) Add back missing packages from pip:
> pip install -r requirements.txt
5. (Optional) Make it the default for the ArcGIS Pro application and the
"Python Command Prompt":
> proswap my-env
The version of the binaries in the active Python environment do
not match the version of the binaries of the ArcGIS Pro application.
OK, now I have most of my scripts running. I don't think it is a python issue. Has anyone had trouble opening a project where shapefiles are the dataset? My Arc freezes when I try and I have to use task manager to close it.
It will run perfect with .gdb and feature services.
I have a similar issue whenever I try to open any project which includes an Excel file, the project sticks on the Loading Map screen. Bringing up task manger shows a process called ExcelToSQLite64.exe running continuously and using about 14% of the CPU....
Edited to add:
I'm now not sure about the Excel link, some projects just seem to hang on the Loading Map screen, but I can't be certain what the common factor is, as I can't see what the project contents are....
Just fixed the issue, seems it might have been Excel related. I used the info here:
to update the Access DB engine and that seems to have fixed things.
This worked great. Thank you RichardPearson_org !!
Issue solved.