When creating tools, I often have different behavior in execution, based on what is essentially a toggle: If the value of Parameter1 equals "Do this", do this. If it's "Do that", do that.
For this to happen, I make heavy use of the parameter's filter list.
MOVE_TOGG = arcpy.Parameter(displayName = "Did the things move?",
name = "MOVE_TOGG",
datatype = "GPString",
parameterType = "Required",
direction = "Input")
# This is just an example, these are not actual values.
MOVE_TOGG.filter.list = [("A and B did"),
("A did"),
("B did")
Another thing is that these toggles are frequently, if not always, required parameters.
What I would like is the ability to do this as a radio button-- One thing must be selected, but you see them all at once.
This would be great for "Do you want to save a copy to {location}? --> Yes, No".
Booleans don't work-- how is the user supposed to tell the difference between False and None if the checkbox looks the same? How do you ensure they actually answered the question?
Filter lists work, but the dropdown is kind of a lot anyway, and then if we have like 5 dropdowns, it's tiring. Being able to see all your choices at once and just click on the one you want would be great.