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Intersections : Polygon overlay operations

12-09-2021 09:57 AM
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b0c0_labeled.pngTwo polygons :

  • the main polygon in blue,
  • the "clipper" in red

In order to perform boolean operations on polygons you need to determine where the overlaying geometries intersect.

Far from simple.  Countless algorithms have been proposed over the years and each have their advantages and disadvantages.  Most work by cycling through the boundary edges and determining intersection points one at a time.  I like NumPy and I was sure that it could be put into action to determine where the intersection points were in a quasi-vectorized fashion while at the same time constructing the associated information as to what crossed what and where and how many times.

We can start.  Here are the coordinates, ordered clockwise with the first and last points being the same.


# -- polygon
array([[  0.00,   0.00],
       [  2.00,   8.00],
       [  8.00,  10.00],
       [ 10.00,  10.00],
       [ 10.00,   8.00],
       [  9.00,   1.00],
       [  0.00,   0.00]])

# -- clipper
array([[  0.00,   7.50],
       [ 11.00,  10.50],
       [ 12.00,   4.50],
       [  8.00,   0.00],
       [  0.00,   7.50]])


I use my 'winding number' incarnation to determine points inside/outside of their respective geometries... that is polygon points within the clipper, and the converse, clipper points within the polygon.  This information gives rise to information on which polygon edges/segments are completely inside, or cross or are completely outside.  From this intersections are determined. 

Details on the equations can be found in Crossings : line segment intersections in 2D 

The winding number  (_w_) and intersection (_xsect_) functions are included below.

The array of interest is the both array

Rows are clipper segments, columns are polygon segments.

  0  1  2  3  4  5 
[[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]  0
 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  1
 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]  2
 [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]  3

This gives rise to the whr array which provides the intersection pairs

array([[0, 1],
       [0, 2],
       [2, 4],
       [2, 5],
       [3, 0],
       [3, 5]])

And ultimately, the intersection points themselves.

array([[ 2.75, 8.25],
       [ 9.17, 10.00],
       [ 9.02, 1.15],
       [ 8.88, 0.99],
       [ 1.52, 6.08],
       [ 7.15, 0.79]])


    def _w_(a, b, all_info):
        """Return winding number and other values."""
        x0, y0 = a[:-1].T  # point `from` coordinates
        x1, y1 = a[1:].T   # point `to` coordinates
        x1_x0, y1_y0 = (a[1:] - a[:-1]).T
        x2, y2 = b[:-1].T  # polygon `from` coordinates
        x3, y3 = b[1:].T   # polygon `to` coordinates
        x3_x2, y3_y2 = (b[1:] - b[:-1]).T
        # reshape poly deltas
        x3_x2 = x3_x2[:, None]
        y3_y2 = y3_y2[:, None]
        # deltas between pnts/poly x and y
        x0_x2 = (x0 - x2[:, None])
        y0_y2 = y0 - y2[:, None]
        a_0 = y0_y2 * x3_x2
        a_1 = x0_x2 * y3_y2
        b_0 = x1_x0 * y0_y2
        b_1 = y1_y0 * x0_x2
        a_num = a_0 - a_1
        b_num = b_0 - b_1
        # pnts in poly
        chk1 = (y0_y2 >= 0.0)  # y above poly's first y value, per segment
        chk2 = np.less(y0, y3[:, None])  # y above the poly's second point
        chk3 = np.sign(a_num).astype(np.int32)
        pos = (chk1 & chk2 & (chk3 > 0)).sum(axis=0, dtype=np.int32)
        neg = (~chk1 & ~chk2 & (chk3 < 0)).sum(axis=0, dtype=np.int32)
        wn_vals = pos - neg
        wn_ = np.concatenate((wn_vals, np.array([wn_vals[0]])))
        if all_info:
            denom = (x1_x0 * y3_y2) - (y1_y0 * x3_x2)
            return wn_, denom, x0, y0, x1_x0, y1_y0, a_num, b_num
        return wn_
    def _xsect_(a_num, b_num, denom, x1_x0, y1_y0, x0, y0):
        """Return the intersection."""
        with np.errstate(all="ignore"):  # ignore all errors
            u_a = a_num / denom
            u_b = b_num / denom
            z0 = np.logical_and(u_a >= 0., u_a <= 1.)  # np.isfinite(u_a)`
            z1 = np.logical_and(u_b >= 0., u_b <= 1.)  # np.isfinite(u_b)
            both = z0 & z1
            xs = (u_a * x1_x0 + x0)[both]
            ys = (u_a * y1_y0 + y0)[both]
        x_pnts = []
        if xs.size > 0:
            x_pnts = np.concatenate((xs[:, None], ys[:, None]), axis=1)
        # eq = pnts[eq_]
        whr = np.array(np.nonzero(both)).T
        return whr, x_pnts

Out there for posterity and out of my system 😉






About the Author
Retired Geomatics Instructor (also DanPatterson_Retired). Currently working on geometry projects (various) as they relate to GIS and spatial analysis. I use NumPy, python and kin and interface with ArcGIS Pro.