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Hexagons, Rectangles and Triangles... Sampling Frameworks

09-09-2016 08:46 AM
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N-gon Demo

Updated:  2018-08-24  Added Triangles and a better labelling system

Created a toolbox and script tool for ArcGIS PRO 2.2 on the Code Sharing site... Sampling Grid ....

Yes... 'Pointy' and 'Flat Head' now have a home as well as rectangular sampling grids.  I also added cell labelling, akin to how spreadsheet cells are labelled (A1, B1 etc)

: -------------

The Toolbox

Your inputs are simple

For those interested in parameter setup for tools

: -------------

This post .... how to draw octagon or hexagon in ArcGIS desktop ?  lead me back to an original post dealing with producing sampling grids.Numpy Snippets # 3 ... Phish_Nyet ... creating sampling grids using numpy and arcpy   For completeness, here are further thoughts.

There are two implementations of n-gons...flat topped and pointy topped.  They only differ by the rotation angle relative to the X/Y axis.  In the case of a square, the rotation is 45°. And yes...even a circle in ArcMap is represented as a 360-sided n-gon so it does have a pointy and a flat top.

Once the seed shape is created, it can be placed around the centroid of known points by creating a polygon from the array outputs.  I normally use FeatureclassToNumPyArray and NumPyArrayToFeatureclass to perform the transition from points to array and back again.  In my previous blog, I exploited this to produce a sampling grid using rectangles and hexagons of know width, location and orientation for both the flat and pointy topped examples.

There is nothing stopping one from creating any geometric shape in any configuration using these simple principles.  All that needs to be determined is the angles needed to produce the n-gon.  For example, the only two lines that need to be changed are these to represent the polygon (n-gon) angles.  From there, the desired width is used to create the final seed which can then be shifted into the desired configuration/location using other code samples included in my previous blogs.

Flat topped f_rad = np.deg2rad([180.,120.,60.,0.,-60.,-120.,-180.])        angles in degrees

Point topped p_rad = np.deg2rad([150.,90,30.,-30.,-90.,-150.,150.])

See the script with the toolbox on the download site for more complete code samples.


Purpose: create hexagon shapes in two forms, flat-topped and pointy-topped
   Produce hexagon of desired width in X direction centered about
   the origin (0,0)
NOTES:   see full code for other implementations
import numpy as np
def hex_flat(size=1,cols=1,rows=1):
    """generate the points for the flat-headed hexagon """
    f_rad = np.deg2rad([180.,120.,60.,0.,-60.,-120.,-180.])
    X = np.cos(f_rad)*size;  Y = np.sin(f_rad)*size # scaled hexagon about 0,0
    seed = np.array(zip(X,Y))            # array of coordinates
    return seed

def hex_pointy(size=1,cols=1,rows=1):
    """pointy hex angles, convert to sin,cos, zip and send"""
    p_rad = np.deg2rad([150.,90,30.,-30.,-90.,-150.,150.]) 
    X = np.cos(p_rad)*size;  Y = np.sin(p_rad)*size # scaled hexagon about 0,0
    seed = np.array(zip(X,Y))
    return seed

if __name__ == '__main__':
    flat = hex_flat(700,1,1)
    pointy = hex_pointy(700,1,1)
    print('\nFlat headed hexagon \n{}'.format(flat))
    print('\nPointy headed hexagon \n{}'.format(pointy))

Outputs for flat and pointy headed hexagons.

1 m width (unit width)100 Unit width700 m width

Flat headed hexagon

[[-1.     0.   ]

[-0.5    0.866]

[ 0.5    0.866]

[ 1.     0.   ]

[ 0.5   -0.866]

[-0.5   -0.866]

[-1.    -0.   ]]

Flat headed hexagon

[[-100.        0.    ]

[ -50.       86.6025]

[  50.       86.6025]

[ 100.        0.    ]

[  50.      -86.6025]

[ -50.      -86.6025]

[-100.       -0.    ]]

Flat headed hexagon

[[-700.        0.    ]

[-350.      606.2178]

[ 350.      606.2178]

[ 700.        0.    ]

[ 350.     -606.2178]

[-350.     -606.2178]

[-700.       -0.    ]]

Flat headed hexagon

[[-1.     0.   ]

[-0.5    0.866]

[ 0.5    0.866]

[ 1.     0.   ]

[ 0.5   -0.866]

[-0.5   -0.866]

[-1.    -0.   ]]

Pointy headed hexagon

[[ -86.6025   50.    ]

[   0.      100.    ]

[  86.6025   50.    ]

[  86.6025  -50.    ]

[   0.     -100.    ]

[ -86.6025  -50.    ]

[ -86.6025   50.    ]]

Pointy headed hexagon

[[-606.2178  350.    ]

[   0.      700.    ]

[ 606.2178  350.    ]

[ 606.2178 -350.    ]

[   0.     -700.    ]

[-606.2178 -350.    ]

[-606.2178  350.    ]]

Enjoy.  Should one require the rotation code or shape generation code, let me know or check the code for guidance in NumPy Snippets # 3

About the Author
Retired Geomatics Instructor at Carleton University. I am a forum MVP and Moderator. Current interests focus on python-based integration in GIS. See... Py... blog, my GeoNet blog...