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Arcpy dependencies

08-16-2021 05:03 PM
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Pretty self explanatory, but ...

  • Pro includes arcgis, and the reverse.
  • N/A means not applicable
  • NumPy is the big requirement.  It is the heart of many arcpy functions and is required by, or supported by a number of included packages like
    • gdal
    • h5py
    • matplotlib
    • netcdf4
    • numexpr   **
    • pandas
    • scipy          **
    • xarray        **

The starred ones are packages analysis peeps should really have a look at if you aren't familiar with them.  I presume the others have a wider visibility.

So here you have it.  I posted the code in my previous incarnation but I will put it on my github site if anyone wants it.

ArcGIS Pro requiredarcgis_1.9 requiredRequired by or, included in
   arcgis >=1.8.*arcgispro 
   arcgispro 2.8.*arcgis 
   asn1crypto    N/A 
   azure-storage-blob    N/A 
   black    N/A

gdal, h5py, libxml2, matplotlib,
netcdf4, pro_notebook_integration

   blas 1.0 mkl    N/Anumexpr, scipy
   cppzmq    N/Axeus
   despatch    N/A 
   flake8    N/A 
   future >=0.18.2    N/Apefile
   gdal 2.3.3 arcgispro_py37_16747    N/A 
   h5py >=2.10.0    N/A 
   html5lib    N/A 
   ipywidgets <7.5ipywidgets >=7 
   jedi >0.16.0    N/A 
   jupyter_console    N/A 
   jupyter_contrib_nbextensions    N/A 
   jupyterlab    N/A 
    N/A   keyring >=19 
    N/A   lerc 
   matplotlib   matplotlib 
   mkl 2020.0 arcgispro_167    N/Anetcdf4, numexpr, scipy
   netcdf4 1.5.4.*    N/A 
   networkx    N/A 
   nlohmann_json    N/A 
   nose    N/A 
   notebook 5.7.*   notebook 
   numexpr    N/A 
   numpy 1.20.*   numpy >=1.16.2cftime, gdal, h5py, lerc, matplotlib,
netcdf4, numexpr, pandas, scipy, xarray
   openpyxl >=3.0.5    N/A 
   pandas >=1.1.1   pandas >=1arcgis, saspy, swat, xarray
   pefile    N/A 
   pillow-simd >=7.1.2    N/Amatplotlib 
   pro_notebook_integration 2.8.*    N/A 
   psutil    N/A 
   pyarrow    N/A 
   pybind11    N/A 
   pypdf2    N/A 
    N/A   pyshp >=2 
   pytest >=5.4.1    N/A 
   python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0   python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0 
   python-dateutil >=2.8.1    N/Amatplotlib, pandas
   pytz >=2019.3    N/A 
    N/A   python-certifi-win32 
    N/A   pywin32-security 
   requests >=2.24   requestsazure-core, jupyterlab_server, mrest,
requests (various), sphinx, swat
    N/A   requests-kerberos 
    N/A   requests-negotiate-sspi 
    N/A   requests-oauthlib 
    N/A   requests-toolbelt 
    N/A   requests_ntlm 
   saspy    N/A 
   scipy >=1.5.2    N/A 
   simplegeneric    N/A 
    N/A   six 
   sqlite    N/Apython
   swat    N/A 
   sympy >=1.5.1    N/A 
    N/A   ujson >=3 
   wheel >=0.31.1    N/Apip
    N/A   widgetsnbextension
    N/A   winkerberos 
   xarray >=0.16    N/A 
   xeus >=0.24    N/A 
   xlrd >=1.2.0,<2.0    N/A 
   xlwt >=1.3.0    N/A 
   xtl    N/Axeus
   zlib >=1.2.11    N/Afreetype, libtiff, pillow-simd, zstd
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About the Author
Retired Geomatics Instructor (also DanPatterson_Retired). Currently working on geometry projects (various) as they relate to GIS and spatial analysis. I use NumPy, python and kin and interface with ArcGIS Pro.