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How to create edge and vertex identifiers for Python AddIn?

08-23-2017 05:49 AM
Deactivated User

Hi, I am using arcmap 10.3.1

My point tool works like adding point tool of arcmap. But doesn't show edges and vertexes of other polygon and line type feature classes. I have to intersect my points with other polygons and lines. And i want to always use this identifiers while i create points. Because my all points have to intersect with other layers

Here is my code :

class ToolClass2(object):"""Implementation for PPPpoint_addin.tool (Tool)"""def __init__(self):    self.enabled = True    self.shape = "NONE" # Can set to "Line", "Circle" or "Rectangle" for interactive shape drawing and to activate the onLine/Polygon/Circle event sinks.def onMouseDownMap(self, x, y, button, shift):             fc = r"C:\Test\pourpoint.shp"     pt = arcpy.Point()    pt.X = float(x)    pt.Y = float(y)     ptGeoms = [arcpy.PointGeometry(pt)]    cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc, ['SHAPE@'])    cursor.insertRow([pt])    del cursor
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