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WMS or normal feature layer - 7 million records

03-08-2023 09:33 AM
Emerging Contributor


I have a customer who has a feature layer with 7 million records, published to ArcGIS Enterprise (4 cores).

When using this layer in webapps or dashboards, with or without filters, the response is very slow.

What are the advantages of using an OGC WMS service to publish this layer?
What are the disadvantages?

What are the functional differences between publishing a feature layer from ArcGIS Enterprise, or a layer in the OGC WMS standard, using ArcGIS Enterprise?


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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Are they trying to show all the features?

What is the RDBMS being used and the relation to the Enterprise machines?

Is the service an ArcGIS Server feature service right now?

--- George T.
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Emerging Contributor

Are they trying to show all the features? No, symbology has been adjusted to show features at the proper zoom level.

What is the RDBMS being used and the relation to the Enterprise machines? PostgreSQL/PostGIS. One server for PostreSQL, one for ArcGIS Server, one for Portal.

Is the service an ArcGIS Server feature service right now? Yes.

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Esri Notable Contributor

How are the resources on the PostgreSQL machine?

Is the Server machine pegged out when querying the layer?

--- George T.
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