I'm trying to overwrite a published service on a federated server. I've been following the ESRI sample script here: https://github.com/jnshill/ArcPyPublishing/blob/8af7523a692498e4c22a142dfc940e3c355efaba/PublishLaye... without much success.
Despite assigning the federatedServerURL, I get a "Missing target server" error. I've confirmed that the token I pull from the Portal works by singing into the REST API. I verified the federated server URL by logging into the Portal Administrator Directory -> Federation -> Servers and snagging the URL field from there.
However, even with all of that....still missing target server. In the python code, I can call the .federatedServerURL and it will yield a result that matches with what is in my administrator directory.
Anyone have any ideas on what else to check?
outdir = r'D:\\location'
## Folder the Map Service will Go too
service = "servicename"
sddraft_filename = service + ".sddraft"
sddraft_output_filename = os.path.join(outdir, sddraft_filename)
# Reference map to publish
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(r"C:\\Project.aprx")
# Get first map
m = aprx.listMaps("MapName")[0]
# List enterprise URl and credentials here
portalURL = r"https://portalServer/webAdaptor"
fed_server = r"https://ServerURL/webAdaptor"
cred_detail = []
#sign into credentials
portal_pw = keyring.get_password("stuff", "user")
portal_user = "user"
#Sign into Portal
arcpy.SignInToPortal(portalURL, portal_user, portal_pw)
# Create MapImageSharingDraft and set service properties
sharing_draft = m.getWebLayerSharingDraft("FEDERATED_SERVER", "MAP_IMAGE", service)
sharing_draft.federatedServerURL = fed_server
sharing_draft.portalFolder = 'Folder1'
sharing_draft.description = "Description"
sharing_draft.credits = "Name"
sharing_draft.tags = "Tags"
sharing_draft.copyDataToServer = False
sharing_draft.overwriteExistingService = True
That url advice in the documentation is maybe right for some, but for us we had to use the https://domain/arcgis url. using /webadapter as suggested fails.
However, my script gets up to the stage service and the bombs with 999999.