Arriving at a new organization, I wasn't sure how our geodatabase feature classes and tables were used in ArcGIS Server. If I want to shut down services locking down a feature class, which services should I shut down? If I am replacing a feature class with a new one, which map documents and Pro projects should I modify and republish? The script I created has served me, and I wanted to share it with you, after obfuscating our connection details.
As I am not allowed to attach .ipynp files to a post, there will be some copying and pasting involved. I will describe exactly what you have to do to list out all of your services' dependencies. You can then search the CSV output for the feature classes and tables you're wondering about, and see which services use them.
import keyring
keyring.set_password("ArcGIS Portal", "admin", "password")
# The requests library is necessary for making http(s) calls to REST services
# The keyring library is necessary for obtaining the password for your ArcGIS Server username. See documentation below.
# The csv library is necessary because the final output for this script is a CSV file.
# The json library is necessary for pretty printing JSON output. Humans can more easily see property names, values,
# and parent/child relationships
import requests, keyring, csv, json
# On any one system, Python programmers can import the keyring module and call set_password with a type, user, and password.
# I have done that on my system, and assigned the password via keyring so that it does not appear in this script.
# I access that password using the type and user that was originally used in the call to set_password.
keyringType = "ArcGIS Portal"
# The user name of an ArcGIS Server administrator, used in keyring to store its password
administratorUser = "admin"
# How long the ArcGIS Server token will last
tokenExpiry = 30 # In minutes
# The kind of client looking for a token
tokenClient = "referrer"
# When in Jupyter Notebook, this is the base URL host in the address bar, and is used in obtaining a token
tokenReferer = "localhost:8888"
# The URL to generate a token in ArcGIS Server, or, if using Federated servers, ArcGIS Portal.
tokenURL = ""
# The ArcGIS Server Admin REST URL, tied to a web adaptor. Sometimes this has a :6443 in it.
adminURL = ""
servicesURL = adminURL + "/services"
# The name of the output CSV file for this script
outputCSVName = "ArcGISServerDump.csv"
# The format of the output CSV file. See for more info.
csvDialect = "excel"
# Do not change this constant. It is appended to URLs to obtain the service manifest, which contains a lot of important
# metadata about the service.
manifestSuffix = "iteminfo/manifest/manifest.json"
# Do not change this constant. These are URL parameters for obtaining what this script expects
servicesParams = {"detail": "false", "f": "json"}
# Do not change this constant. This is a URL parameter for obtaining what this script expects
jsonParams = {"f": "json"}
# Obtain the password stored in keyring
password = keyring.get_password(keyringType, administratorUser)
# Do not change this variable. These are URL parameters sent in the POST to obtain a token
tokenParams = {"username": administratorUser, "password": password, "expiration": tokenExpiry, "client": tokenClient, "referer": tokenReferer, "f": "json"}
# Obtain an ArcGIS Server token
r =, data=tokenParams)
# Show the http status code
print("Http Status Code Returned:", r.status_code)
# Transform the result to JSON
result = r.json()
# Get the token
token = result["token"]
# Show the token, so it can be copied and pasted, if needed, for debugging, or using in a browser
# Do not change this variable. These are http headers for obtaining responses using authentication and authorization
# via ArcGIS Server and/or Portal
servicesHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Esri-Authorization": "Bearer {0}".format(token)}
# Get all of the services in an http response
servicesResponse = requests.get(servicesURL, params=servicesParams, headers=servicesHeader)
# Transform the response to JSON
servicesJson = servicesResponse.json()
# Get a list of all the folders
gisFolders = servicesJson["folders"]
# Since the root folder is never listed, add it at the front of a new list
realFolders = ["Root"] + gisFolders
# Optionally, print the list of ArcGIS Server folders
# Create/overwrite the output CSV. If the CSV is open, especially in Excel, then this part of the script will fail
with open(outputCSVName, "w", newline='') as outFile:
# Create a CSV Dictionary Writer object
outWriter = csv.DictWriter(outFile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, dialect="excel"
, fieldnames=["Folder", "Service", "Type", "Manifest", "Source#", "Source", "Client", "Database#", "Server", "Database", "Version", "Username", "Layer#", "Table"])
# Write the names of the fields as the first line in the file
# For every ArcGIS Server folder...
for folder in realFolders:
# Create (or replace) an empty output dictionary (outionary)
outionary = {}
# Construct the service URL differently for the root folder than for other folders
outionary["Folder"] = folder
if folder == "Root":
servicesListURL = servicesURL
servicesListURL = "{0}/{1}".format(servicesURL, folder)
# Get an http response of the services in the current folder
servicesResponse = requests.get(servicesListURL, params=servicesParams, headers=servicesHeader)
# Transform the response to JSON
servicesJson = servicesResponse.json()
# Get a JSON list of the services
gisServices = servicesJson["services"]
# For every service in the folder...
for gisService in gisServices:
# Wipe out dictionary values assigned in other parts of this loop. I don't use the del command because the dictionary
# might not have these keys yet.
outionary["Source#"] = outionary["Source"] = outionary["Client"] = outionary["Database#"] = outionary["Layer#"] = outionary["Table"] = ""
# Assign the Service and Type in the dictionary, which map to the CSV DictWriter fields above
outionary["Service"] = gisService["serviceName"]
outionary["Type"] = gisService["type"]
# This script is only interested in MapServers and ImageServers. You can change this if statement to query other types of services
if gisService["type"] == "MapServer" or gisService["type"] == "ImageServer":
# Construct the URL to the manifest file
# Construct the URL to the manifest file
if folder == "Root":
manifestURL = "{0}/services/{1}.{2}/{3}".format(adminURL, gisService["serviceName"], gisService["type"], manifestSuffix)
manifestURL = "{0}/services/{1}/{2}.{3}/{4}".format(adminURL, folder, gisService["serviceName"], gisService["type"], manifestSuffix)
# Assign the Manifest value in the dicionary, which will be written out later
outionary["Manifest"] = manifestURL
# Obtain an http response of the manifest file
manifestResponse = requests.get(manifestURL, params=jsonParams, headers=servicesHeader)
# Http status 200 is a good thing
if manifestResponse.status_code == 200:
# Transform the response to JSON
manifestJson = manifestResponse.json()
# If a property called databases is in the response...
if "databases" in manifestJson:
# Start counting
iBase = 0
# For every database listed in databases...
for database in manifestJson["databases"]:
# Assign the Database# index number in the dictionary
outionary["Database#"] = iBase
iBase = iBase + 1
# If the database has an onServerConnectionString value, read it. Other possible, meaningful values are
# onClientConnectionString.
if "onServerConnectionString" in database:
# The connection string looks like most other database connection strings you've seen.
connectionString = database["onServerConnectionString"]
# The connection string is a list of name=value pairs, separated by semicolons, at least in my experience,
# when dealing with geodatabases. But onServerConnectionString can also be a file path.
# Create an empty dictionary for connection parameters
connectDict = {}
if ";" in connectionString:
connectStringParams = connectionString.split(";")
# For each connection parameter in the connection string...
for connectParam in connectStringParams:
# Wipe out existing values in the output dictionary, from Server to Username
outionary["Server"] = outionary["Database"] = outionary["Version"] = outionary["Username"] = ""
# Split this connection parameter into name=value
nameValue = connectParam.split("=")
# For example, 'USER=sde' will result in a dictionary entry "USER": "sde" in connectDict.
connectDict[nameValue[0]] = nameValue[1]
# Search for specific names in the connection parameters and write them to the output dictionary.
# Your database connection strings may have different values that those shown here. If this is
# the case, modify these if and then statements to reflect name=value pairs in those.
if "SERVER" in connectDict:
outionary["Server"] = connectDict["SERVER"]
if "DATABASE" in connectDict:
outionary["Database"] = connectDict["DATABASE"]
if "VERSION" in connectDict:
outionary["Version"] = connectDict["VERSION"]
if "USER" in connectDict:
outionary["Username"] = connectDict["USER"]
# See above for similar logic
nameValue = connectionString.split("=")
connectDict[nameValue[0]] = nameValue[1]
if "DATABASE" in connectDict:
outionary["Database"] = connectDict["DATABASE"]
# Start counting layers and tables that come from that database
iLayer = 0
# For each dataset listed...
for dataset in database["datasets"]:
# Add the layer's index to the output dictionary
outionary["Layer#"] = iLayer
iLayer = iLayer + 1
# Add the layer's feature class or table name to the output dictionary
outionary["Table"] = dataset["onServerName"]
# Write the row to the output. This will result in multiple rows containing similar information,
# but the redundancy will be helpful
# Now that we're done with the databases node, wipe out database properties in the output dictionary
outionary["Server"] = outionary["Database"] = outionary["Version"] = outionary["Username"] = outionary["Layer#"] = outionary["Table"] = ""
# If there is a resources section in the response...
if "resources" in manifestJson:
# Start counting resources
iResource = 0
# For each resource list...
for resource in manifestJson["resources"]:
# Add the resource's index to the output dictionary
outionary["Source#"] = iResource
iResource = iResource + 1
# If an onPremisePath is listed...
if "onPremisePath" in resource:
# Write the path to the output dictionary, which is typically the name of the ArcMap document or ArcGIS Pro project
# which published the service.
outionary["Source"] = resource["onPremisePath"]
if "clientName" in resource:
outionary["Client"] = resource["clientName"]
The resulting file will likely be stored in the same place as the script. You control the name of the file with the constant outputCSVName in the script.
I hope this post has helped you, even if it has only inspired you to write your own. Feel free to follow me, as I tend to post reusable scripts that help me do my job, and they may help you use yours. And please ask questions if something fails; if I don't know the answer I'll say as much.
Oh, also remember to save and rename your script afterwards, and to cleanly close down the Jupyter server (DOS window) with Ctrl+C.
This was very helpful for us to go through our services to be able to clean up services that are no longer in use and from some projects that were done in 2016. It was great to be able to see the sources of the data as well. Great work!!
I have rewritten this script. Rather than spitting out a CSV, this new script will report all the services used by a target feature class and all of its siblings in the feature dataset. And it will list the map documents or Pro projects that directly contain the target feature class. Each code block below represents a different cell in my Python notebook, be it in Pro or Jupyter.
Like the previous script, I have imported keyring, and in a different script, I have called keyring.set_password(keyringType, administratorUser, myPassword)
# The requests library is necessary for making http(s) calls to REST services
# The keyring library is necessary for obtaining the password for your ArcGIS Server username. See documentation below.
# The csv library is necessary because the final output for this script is a CSV file.
# The json library is necessary for pretty printing JSON output. Humans can more easily see property names, values,
# and parent/child relationships
import requests, keyring, json, arcpy
# On any one system, Python programmers can import the keyring module and call set_password with a type, user, and password.
# I have done that on my system, and assigned the password via keyring so that it does not appear in this script.
# I access that password using the type and user that was originally used in the call to set_password.
keyringType = "ArcGIS Portal"
# The user name of an ArcGIS Server administrator, used in keyring to store its password
administratorUser = "adminUserName"
# How long the ArcGIS Server token will last
tokenExpiry = 90 # In minutes
# The kind of client looking for a token
tokenClient = "referrer"
# When in Jupyter Notebook, this is the base URL host in the address bar, and is used in obtaining a token
tokenReferer = "localhost:8888"
# The URL to generate a token in ArcGIS Server, or, if using Federated servers, ArcGIS Portal.
# Do not include a trailing slash
tokenURL = ""
# The ArcGIS Server Admin REST URL, tied to a web adaptor. When you go to this URL in a browser, you should be
# presented with a salmon-and-white login dialog box titled "ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory".
# Do not include a trailing slash
adminURL = ""
# The ArcGIS REST Services Directory. This is usually a public-facing URL with connections to your services.
# When you go to this URL, you should be presented with a white page of links to Folders and Services.
# Do not include a trailing slash
publicURL = ""
# The name of the geodatabase connection file.
gdbConnection = "username@database.sde"
# Obtain the password stored in keyring
password = keyring.get_password(keyringType, administratorUser)
def sisterFeatureClasses(geodatabase, featureClassName):
walk = arcpy.da.Walk(geodatabase)
for sdeFile, datasets, tables in walk:
if featureClassName in tables:
siblings = tables[:]
return siblings
return []
# getToken returns a long token string that will authenticate you based on the parameters.
# For these purposes, it's to an ArcGIS Server administrative point.
def getToken(userName, password, tokenURL, tokenExpiry, tokenClient, tokenReferer):
# Do not change this variable. These are URL parameters sent in the POST to obtain a token
tokenParams = {"username": userName, "password": password, "expiration": tokenExpiry, "client": tokenClient, "referer": tokenReferer, "f": "json"}
# Obtain an ArcGIS Server token
r =, data=tokenParams)
if r.status_code ==
# Transform the result to JSON
result = r.json()
# Get the token
return result["token"]
return ""
token = getToken(administratorUser, password, tokenURL, tokenExpiry, tokenClient, tokenReferer)
# Show the token, so it can be copied and pasted, if needed, for debugging, or using in a browser
# Given the address of the Administrative Directory, and a security access token, return a list of
# folders, including the root folder which is kinda blank.
def listServicesFolders(adminURL, securityToken):
servicesURL = adminURL + "/services"
# Do not change this constant. These are URL parameters for obtaining what this script expects
servicesParams = {"detail": "false", "f": "json"}
# Do not change this variable. These are http headers for obtaining responses using authentication and authorization
# via ArcGIS Server and/or Portal
servicesHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Esri-Authorization": "Bearer {0}".format(securityToken)}
# Get all of the services in an http response
servicesResponse = requests.get(servicesURL, params=servicesParams, headers=servicesHeader)
if servicesResponse.status_code ==
# Transform the response to JSON
servicesJson = servicesResponse.json()
# Get a list of all the folders
gisFolders = servicesJson["folders"]
# System is a built-in folder that contains services like CachingTools and PublishingTools. This isn't
# a folder that contains stuff you've published.
# Utilities is a built-in folder that contains services like GeocodingTools and PrintingTools. This isn't
# a folder that contains stuff you've published.
# Since the root folder is never listed
return gisFolders
return []
# Returns a list of services in a folder. If querying the root folder, pass "" for folder.
# The resulting list is a list of objects with the following properites: folderName, serviceName,
# type, and description.
def listServicesInFolder(adminURL, folder, securityToken):
servicesURL = adminURL + "/services"
# Do not change this constant. These are URL parameters for obtaining what this script expects
servicesParams = {"detail": "false", "f": "json"}
# Do not change this variable. These are http headers for obtaining responses using authentication and authorization
# via ArcGIS Server and/or Portal
servicesHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Esri-Authorization": "Bearer {0}".format(securityToken)}
if folder:
servicesListURL = "{0}/{1}".format(servicesURL, folder)
servicesListURL = servicesURL
# Get an http response of the services in the current folder
servicesResponse = requests.get(servicesListURL, params=servicesParams, headers=servicesHeader)
if servicesResponse.status_code ==
# Transform the response to JSON
servicesJson = servicesResponse.json()
# Get a JSON list of the services
return servicesJson["services"]
return []
# Returns a dictionary of documents to republish without the layer, and services that need to be restarted
# if affectedFeatureClassName is modified or deleted.
# Return value type dictionary of lists {"restart": [], "republish": []}
def findServicesToRepublishAndOrRestart(adminURL, publicURL, securityToken, geodatabaseConnection, affectedFeatureClassName):
# This will be the return type: a dictionary with two entries, restart and republish, the results
# of which are lists of service names
actions = {"restart": [], "republish": []}
# Do not change this variable. These are http headers for obtaining responses using authentication and authorization
# via ArcGIS Server and/or Portal
servicesHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Esri-Authorization": "Bearer {0}".format(securityToken)}
# Do not change this constant. It is appended to URLs to obtain the service manifest, which
# contains a lot of important metadata about the service.
manifestSuffix = "iteminfo/manifest/manifest.json"
# Do not change this constant. This is a URL parameter for obtaining what this script expects
jsonParams = {"f": "json"}
featureClassToChange = affectedFeatureClassName
classToLookFor = featureClassToChange.split(".")[2]
featureClassesInSameDataset = sisterFeatureClasses(geodatabaseConnection, featureClassToChange)
classesToLookFor = [x.split(".")[2] for x in featureClassesInSameDataset]
servicesFolders = listServicesFolders(adminURL, securityToken)
for folder in servicesFolders:
gisServices = listServicesInFolder(adminURL, folder, securityToken)
# For every service in the folder...
for gisService in gisServices:
if gisService["type"] in ["MapServer", "ImageServer", "FeatureServer"]:
# Construct the URL to the manifest file
if folder:
thisServiceURL = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(publicURL, folder, gisService["serviceName"])
manifestURL = "{0}/services/{1}/{2}.{3}/{4}".format(adminURL, folder, gisService["serviceName"], gisService["type"], manifestSuffix)
thisServiceURL = "{0}/{1}".format(publicURL, gisService["serviceName"])
manifestURL = "{0}/services/{1}.{2}/{3}".format(adminURL, gisService["serviceName"], gisService["type"], manifestSuffix)
# Obtain an http response of the manifest file
manifestResponse = requests.get(manifestURL, params=jsonParams, headers=servicesHeader)
# Http status 200 is a good thing
if manifestResponse.status_code ==
# Transform the response to JSON
manifestJson = manifestResponse.json()
# foundFC means "found a service referencing the feature class"
foundFC = False
# foundDS means "found a service referencing a feature class in the same dataset"
foundDS = False
# If a property called databases is in the response...
if "databases" in manifestJson:
# For every database listed in databases...
for database in manifestJson["databases"]:
# If the database has a propery called datasets...
if "datasets" in database:
# For each dataset listed...
for dataset in database["datasets"]:
if "onServerName" in dataset:
# Add the layer's feature class or table name to the output dictionary
featureClass = dataset["onServerName"]
if featureClass == classToLookFor:
foundFC = True
if featureClass in classesToLookFor:
foundDS = True
# If there is a resources section in the response...
if ("resources" in manifestJson) and foundFC:
# For each resource list...
for resource in manifestJson["resources"]:
# If an onPremisePath is listed...
if "onPremisePath" in resource:
# Write the path to the output dictionary, which is typically the name of the ArcMap document or ArcGIS Pro project
# which published the service.
source = resource["onPremisePath"]
if foundDS or foundFC:
return actions
featureClassToChange = "Database.Owner.FeatureClassName"
myResult = findServicesToRepublishAndOrRestart(adminURL, publicURL, token, gdbConnection, featureClassToChange)
for action in myResult.keys():
for service in myResult[action]:
By breaking up the code into testable functions, it is more easily tested at each step. I hope this proves useful to those who find this. Also, I apologize for not providing proper doc strings for each function. I wish to improve, not in documentation (because I'm good at that), but in documenting things the way Python would rather they be documented. Thanks for your support!
This has been extremely helpful
Thanks so much for your work and for posting these scripts. This saved a whole lot of time.
Would you happen to know if it would also be possible to know which service layers use which datasets? Like being able to map each dataset to one or more layer names/ids (i.e. array of layers) that uses that dataset? Ideally using only the REST API?
@YohanBienvenue wrote:Roger,
Would you happen to know if it would also be possible to know which service layers use which datasets? Like being able to map each dataset to one or more layer names/ids (i.e. array of layers) that uses that dataset? Ideally using only the REST API?
I'm really sorry I'm late replying. I'm at a new job now and I don't think I have notifications turned on my new email address. Anyway, back to your question, when you say "dataset", do you mean the groups of feature classes found in a geodatabase, or as layers in a manifest file?
The manifest does not keep track of which datasets its layers come from, even though it calls feature classes datasets. If your geodatabase has three FIRE_HYDRANTS feature classes, all owned by different owners and in different datasets, then I don't think you'll be able to successfully know which datasets some services are using.
However, if your feature classes are uniquely named, then, yes, you can definitely see which datasets are being used by which services, and which services are using which datasets. Would you like me to write the code for you?
No worries, and no need.
What I ended up finding after further research is that, no, the ArcGIS REST API provides no way to know the specific dataset used by each layer of a service, for "security reasons". Even if you have full admin access to ArcGIS Server, the API provides no means to extract this information at all.
Therefore I ended up switching to an hybrid solution where I extract what I can from the ArcGIS REST API and then use python, ArcGIS Pro arcpy and the original .mxd project file (used to publish the service) to extract the rest, like the feature class name of the data source used by each layer. It works but we have hundreds of services and using this approach is defitely not has convenient as just making HTTP requests on the API (which could be made from any programming language).
@YohanBienvenue wrote:Roger,
No worries, and no need.
What I ended up finding after further research is that, no, the ArcGIS REST API provides no way to know the specific dataset used by each layer of a service, for "security reasons". Even if you have full admin access to ArcGIS Server, the API provides no means to extract this information at all.
We were trying to achieve the same outcome finding a relationship between the map service layers and dataset information. We were hitting the same hurdles however while digging around noticed that the .mapx files on the server contain the appropriate layer and dataset information.
We wrote the following using PowerShell to perform the appropriate requests to the ArcGIS REST API as we also needed access to the administrative file share on the server to access the mapx files. The server path was found by retrieving the resources serverPath from the service's manifest.json file.
# Connect to arcgis server admin
$adminURL = "https://<serverurl>/admin"
# To acquire portal token, open https://<portalurl>/sharing/rest/generateToken
# and enter ‘https://<serverurl>/admin’ for the ‘Webapp URL’ parameter.
# Set token variable to value
$Token = "<token>"
# Adminstrative path on arcgis server pointing to location where services are saved.
$administrativePath = '\\<server>\<arcgis drive>$\arcgis\arcgisserver\directories\arcgissystem\arcgisinput'
# Get all services and folders from server
$rootServices = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$adminURL/services?f=json&token=$Token" -Method Get
# Get root services
$services = @()
foreach($service in ${
$services += $service
# Loop through folders
foreach($folder in $rootServices.folders){
$folderServices = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$adminURL/services/$($folder)?f=json&token=$Token" -Method Get
foreach($service in ${
$services += $service
# Only grab MapServer services
$Services = $Services | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "MapServer"}
# Get mapx files corresponding to mapserver service
$MapServices = @()
foreach($service in $services){
$Mapx = Get-ChildItem -Path "$administrativePath\$($service.folderName)\$($service.serviceName).$($service.type)" -Recurse -File -Filter "*.mapx"
$ServiceItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
Folder = $service.folderName
Name = $service.serviceName
Type = $service.type
MapX = $Mapx.FullName
$MapServices += $ServiceItem
# Filter MapServer Services with files
$MapServices = $MapServices | Where-Object {$_.MapX -ne $null}
# Read mapx json to get layers and dataset connection details
$layers = @()
foreach($service in $MapServices){
$Map = Get-Content $Service.mapx | ConvertFrom-json
foreach($layer in $Map.layerDefinitions){
$LayerItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
Folder = $service.folder
Name = $service.Name
Type = $service.type
MapX = $service.mapx
LayerName = $
DBConnection = $layer.featureTable.dataConnection.workspaceConnectionString
Dataset = $layer.featureTable.dataConnection.dataset
$layers += $layerItem
$Layers | Export-CSV '<csv path>' -NoTypeInformation
This outputs a CSV file with the service folder, name, mapx location, layer name, database connection and feature class.
Hope this is useful to others!