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Error message 00256 when trying to publish model as gp service from Pro

10-14-2021 12:56 PM
Emerging Contributor

I've tried to publish two different models using Pro and I'm getting the same error message on two different tools. "00256 Server version 10.9 tool tool_name does not have new parameter include_participating."  This is  happen with Calculate Field and Change Version. I searched for the error but it didn't give me much information.  We are at ArcGIS Pro 2.8.3 and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9. 

3 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Has anyone else seen this or know of a solution?

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Emerging Contributor

I reached out to Esri and this is a known bug: BUG-000142414.  The error message "00256: Server version <value> tool <value> does not have new parameter" is caused for the Change Version tool because at ArcGIS Pro 2.8 a new parameter was added (include participating) that was not added to the ArcGIS Server at 10.9.  The same error message is caused with the Calculate Field tool and the new parameter enforce domain.  We will be unable to publish any models as geoprocessing services with either of these tools until ArcGIS Server is updated.  

MVP Alum

The docs have this article:

Unfortunately, I am seeing on my end that it is not possible to not use the unsupported parameters, since they are used by default, and not anywhere I can specify them on the CalculateField tool.

One alternative in case the ArcGIS Administrator does not have a plan to upgrade ArcGIS Enterprise is to downgrade ArcGIS Pro to the version compatible with the ArcGIS Server tool.

Another alternative would be to convert the model to a a python script, and use UpdateCursor from arcpy's "Data Access" (da) module.

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