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Change Spatial Reference on Hosted feature service

02-23-2023 02:02 PM
Frequent Contributor

I had an experience with a solution that I was applying to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1.  Solution is Lead Service Line Inventory (only version 1.0 is available for 10.9.1).  During the installation of the solution, it asks for a Coordinate System and I gave it ours (wkid 2881...State Plane HARN Florida East US Feet).  It ignored that coordinate system and left it in Illinois State Plane (Naperville).  In this case, the services are empty, so no need for projection, but I need the 3 feature services changed from Naperville to the same projection as the rest of our Water Network.

3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Did you ever get an answer on this item?

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Frequent Contributor

No... not yet and no Kudos:(

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New Contributor

A year and a half later . . . Same question ???????

 @AlexKabak  Are you able to help answer?


@bsanders69  Kudos!

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