Unicode error running Count Trips at Stops

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10-31-2018 06:40 AM
New Contributor II


I am trying to run the Count Trips at Stops tool within BetterBusBuffers (v. but keep getting a unicode error. I have used the tool successfully before but started getting this error within the last week. I have already successfully pre-processed the GTFS data into a SQL database. Error message below. I'm running ArcGIS 10.4.1 for Desktop with a basic license. 

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12 Replies
New Contributor II

Thank you, Melinda, for your quick response!

Due to this error, I deleted all the records with null lat/lon values in the stops file.

So, I'm sharing the modified stops.txt here.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Alex.  The problem turned out to be a bug in the script where it was unnecessarily trying to convert the stop_id to a string, and for your particular data, it was throwing that Unicode decode error because it was trying to convert the string to ASCII.

I have fixed the problem.  You can download a fresh version of the toolbox here: http://arcg.is/0yr9fr 

Or, you can just download this one file and replace your local copy with the downloaded version: public-transit-tools/BBB_CountTripsAtStops.py at master · Esri/public-transit-tools · GitHub 

In case anyone is reading this thread in the future, Alex's problem was unrelated to the original question posted here, even though they had similar error messages.

New Contributor II

Thank you, Melinda, for your support and your work! Now the tool works fine!

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